Maldorini Technologies

Maldorini Technologies

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Join the Maldorini community and start mining the Maldo (MLD) digital currency today for free.
To be announced

約 Maldorini Technologies

The Maldorini Network primarily aims to build and establish a technology powering a currency that is far more than just a privacy-focused, secured, adequately-distributed and decentralized cryptocurrency. In addition to been an absolute-privacy driven coin, the Maldorini network has created a system with two effective and efficient decentralizing proof of work and proof of stake algorithms.

In addition to payments, decentralization, and privacy features, the Maldorini Project plans include its direct use as a currency for provisioning scalable and secure public blockchains for Maldorini applications built upon these parallel chains to scale. What this will do is simple: It will enable all people as well as all nodes on the Maldorini network to participate and benefit from a decentralized, blockchain service economy.

This document details the Maldorini vision and describes the function of Maldorini as its own platform, and also as a member of the Komodo platform ecosystem, in the context of its first applications. Maldorini core applications will provide a foundation to build additional applications and services, which will leverage Maldorini's automatically created blockchains, called maldochains. Maldochains or Maldorini Public Blockchain Network Services (MPBCNS) will be provisioned and notarized by the Maldorini blockchain miners, in exchange for Maldorini currency (Maldo Coin).

Maldochains will be validated through proof-of-stake by their user populations. In addition to extremely scalable, dynamic, publicly-secured maldochain applications, this will add a dynamic isolation and security component to applications that can also create, manage, and verify transactions on the main Maldorini chain or any other Komodo- compatible, Crypto-Conditions, Inter-ledger Protocol enabled blockchains. This new application of this technology has the potential to completely revolutionize the fabric of our society.


  • Phase 1

  • Just like any other currency, the value increases with the high demand and usage. The first phase on the Maldorini Network roadmap is the creation and distribution of the Maldo (MLD) digital currency around the world. In this phase, the Maldo digital currency will be mined by miners around the world through the Maldorini network mobile app. One of the primary purpose of this phase is to build and grow the Maldorini community. The Maldorini Network mining app does not mine the Maldo digital currency on your device. It is only a remote/virtual mining manager for your Maldo digital currency. Improvements to the user interface and the user experience will be made continuously until a reasonable amount of perfection is achieved. After reaching a milestone of five million (5,000,000 active) miners, all mining of the Maldo coin (MLD) will be relocated or transferred to the live network as soon as it is launched. When this is done, all previous operations will continue with the existing operational protocol but in a completely decentralized system network. During this phase the Maldo Coin (MLD) will not be listed on exchanges thus it will not be possible to purchase the Maldo Coin (MLD) with other currencies. You can only mine at this stage.
  • Phase 2

  • This is the phase where we test and perfect the Maldorini network software/application with real-life applications before launching to the main blockchain network (mainnet). As discussed above, the Maldorini network technology is an advanced technological system that aims to revolutionize the world as we know it. In this light, the Maldorini network has to be at its best and most efficient form before completely migrating into the main blockchain network, thus in this phase, the Maldorini Node software/application will be launched on a test network that run with the exact operational protocol of the main blockchain network. Also in this phase the Know Your Customer (KYC) process will be conducted. This process is to validate all Maldorini miners in order to authenticate them as real and existing people. After a complete and thorough test-run on the Testnet, when the results has been concluded that the Maldorini network has achieved a satisfactory and efficient state of perfection, then Maldorini will be migrated into the main blockchain network.
  • Phase 3

  • After thoroughly test-running the Maldorini software/application on the Testnet, when it is certain and confirmed by the Maldorini community that the software/application is ready for production, then the official Maldorini Mainnet will be launched. As soon as the mainnet is launched, the Testnet and the official mobile mining application will be permanently shut-down and the Maldorini network system will continue to run on its own in a self-sustaining environment powered by the Maldorini community. Note that only the miners’ accounts that have been completely validated during the KYC process at the second phase will be migrated into the mainnet with the rest of the Maldorini community. Balances of fake or duplicate accounts will be discarded. The Maldorini network is completely decentralized thus no central or governing authority is in control. The system is completely powered by the Maldorini community. In a nutshell, the Maldorini network is own and controlled by the Maldorini community that is made up of millions of contributors around the world.
    At this stage, Maldo Coin (MLD) can now be connected to exchanges and be exchanged for other currencies. You can now make online purchases and trade with the Maldo Coin (MLD).

Maldorini Technologies 最後のニュース

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