Mad Hare Society

Mad Hare Society

Created using Figma
10,000 unique avatar collectibles with over 245 traits, making Mad Hare Society the most sophisticated creative project
To be announced

約 Mad Hare Society

Meet the Mad Hare Society.

One of the most sought-after digital creators among Latin Music Artists and co-founder of PsychoKitties (the most traded artist collection on CDC/NFT) - DaRealGenius - unleashes his very own 10,000 unique avatar collectibles with over 245 traits, making Mad Hare Society the most sophisticated creative project on

Our Story

It's the year 3419 in Rozkazan, known as the most notorious fortress on an ice-covered planet called Abanleor, which imprisons vicious, disturbed and dangerous modified creatures behind bars for the safety of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Most known villains, called the Mad Hares, were captured within the last 3 centuries and placed in the darkest, most guarded rooms of the facility.

Since capture, The Universal Intelligence Agency (UIA) has craved to weaponize these menaces for decades. Progress was made when the Mad Hare’s focus-center of the brain called prefrontal cortex was manipulated to transform their multi-desires into a single-minded objective programmed by the UIA, but Mad Hares were never 100% controllable.


The final test experiments resulted in a 5% kill rate of innocent subjects in test environments, down 95% from destroying everyone in their way.

With the increasing tension caused by time-traveling PsychoKitties, a multi-planetary governmental voting took place to send Mad Hares after the mind-controlling felines as the last resort.

A decision with as high potential consequences as releasing the Mad Hares also required universal decentralized voting to take place. With over 73,299,101 votes and 61% of population siding with the UIA mission, the Mad Hares were equipped with a time-traveling atom-weapon with a single objective in mind - to destroy the PsychoKitties.




  • 25%

  • 2,500 Mad Hares have been placed aside. 14 Mad Hares belong to PsychoKitty holders with a trait called "Tattoo with bunny". The remaining 2,486 out of 2,500 will be airdropped to people who hold pairs of PsychoKitties and PsychoMollies. If there are more pairs than 2486, winners will be chosen via a special sweepstakes round. TOP10 pair holders will automatically get a Mad Hare.
  • 100% - 7,500 Mad Hares sold in Public Sale

  • 10% of all initial sales will be donated to Veteran organizations. We will also have fundraisers in the form of auctions every 3 months. Furthermore, we will buy up 100 Mad Hares from the floor for future giveaways and contests.
  • 2022 Q2

  • Exclusive Discord channels - expect an overload of madness.

    - Mad Hares (must hold at least 1 Mad Hare)

    - King Hares (must hold at least 5 Mad Hares)

    - Godly Hares (must hold at least 10 Mad Hares)

    Release commercial use rights to Mad Hare Society holders - monetize your NFTs worldwide. (more info in FAQ)
  • 2022 Q3 - 2023 Q1

  • Massive collaboration with the PsychoKitties to create something special and unique the NFT world has NEVER seen before.

    TOP10 and surprise sweepstakes winners can win custom Mad Hare PFPs with traits of their own choosing.

    Mad Hare holders can expect at least 1 surprise airdrop before the year is over.

    Hidden Staking (you'll learn more about it in due time).

    … and a P2E game.

Mad Hare Society 最後のニュース

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