Lynx Tech

Lynx Tech

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Lynx Tech is a Web3 project development company committed to enhancing everyone’s Web3 experience. Our first flagship product, DeadShot (Sniping Bot), provides traders with an unparalleled algorithm, exceptional efficiency, and top-tier security in crypto trading.
To be announced

約 Lynx Tech

Lynx Tech is a Web3 software development company committed to enhancing everyone's Web3 experience.

Our first flagship product - DeadShot (Sniping and Trading Bot), provides traders with an unparalleled algorithm, exceptional efficiency, and top-tier security in crypto tradin.

Crypto trading and sniping present challenges such as volatility, liquidity risks, fraud, scams, and security concerns, often complicating timely trade execution especially across multiple blockchains and assets.

DeadShot addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to empower traders. From high-speed transactions to advanced analysis tools and anti-scam detection, this bot empowers traders to take control of their crypto investments while minimizing risks.


Our bot gives users an early advantage by purchasing new tokens from recently opened liquidity pools, enabling them to profit from subsequent price increases.

Other People’s Wallets (OPW) Analysis
Offers full graphical analysis of other people’s wallets (OPW) or clusters of wallets

Buy & Sell
Our bot facilitates both buying and selling of digital assets, enabling comprehensive trading strategies.

We support multiple blockchain networks such as ETH and BSC, allowing for diversified trading opportunities.

Copy Trading
This feature allows users to replicate the strategies of experienced traders, potentially improving their own trading outcomes.

Encrypted Smart Contract Protection
Snipes through encrypted smart contract to prevent attacks from sandwich bots, copy bots and front-runners.

Advanced Defensive Filters
Sophisticated filters against bad actors: Blacklists, nonce filter, gas filter, minimum liquidity filter, and more.

Supports EIP-1559 (ETH)
Replacing the traditional first-price auction with a fixed "base fee" for transaction inclusion, allowing users to include a "priority fee" to incentivize quicker processing.

Trailing Stop Loss/Gain
Dynamically adjust exit prices based on percentages or dollar amounts relative to the current market price.

Absolute Stop Loss/Gain
Predetermined price level at which an investor or trader decides to exit a position to limit their potential losses or secure their profits.


  • Sept 27, 2023

  • 40% Unlocked or 700,000 $LYNX
    Worth $42,000.00 @ $0.06
    1,250,000 $LYNX CS or 25% of the Total Supply
  • Oct 11, 2023

  • 40% Unlocked or 700,000 $LYNX
    1,950,000 $LYNX CS or 39% of the Total Supply
  • Oct 25, 2023

  • 20% Unlocked or 350,000 $LYNX
    2,300,000 $LYNX CS or 46% of the Total Supply

Lynx Tech チーム

検証済み 0%


Cyrus Garcia
Patrick Andras
Mikhail Aleksandrov

Lynx Tech 最後のニュース

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