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LORDS is the native currency of the Realmverse; an on-chain gaming ecosystem running on StarkNet, a Zero-Knowledge Layer 2 rollup.
To be announced


Realms are the productive assets in this world. They are macro economic drivers that keep the resources flowing. There are 8000 Realms with varying rarity spread across the Realmverse.

$LORDS is your liquidity in and out of the game. You need it to transact on all the marketplaces and all assets are denominated in it. The way to get $LORDS is either by Settling your Realm or purchasing on Uniswap.

Resources are the composable assets of the Realmverse. When settled, Realms generate one or more of 22 resources, which have varying rarity and are required for all purchases and crafting within the world.



  • StarkNet Bridge & Staking (DECEMBER 2021)

  • The journey commences with a bridge to the Layer 2 network - StarkNet. To reward early Realm Lords, a joint Staking contract is being built where Lords can earn. Once StarkNet is live, the Realms will be automatically available to redeem on StarkNet. You will then be able to trade freely between l1 and l2.
  • Minigame on StarkNet Alpha (EARLY Q2 2022)

  • Minigame on StarkNet Alpha will be released. This will be an entirely on-chain experience and will require Lords to play. This game will be similar to Capture the Flag.
  • StarkNet Bridge (Q2 2022)

  • A complete bridge to StarkNet is being built. This will allow players to transfer their Realms back and forth between l1 and l2.
  • Trading Plaza on StarkNet - NFT Marketplace using $LORDS (Q2 2022)

  • A StarkNet native NFT marketplace denominated in $LORDS is being designed and built. All trades on this marketplace will use LORDS as the currency. A % of the transactions fees will funnel directly into the Bibliotheca DAO.
  • 続きを読む
  • Settling on StarkNet - Stake your Realms and Earn LORDS and resources (Q2 2022)

  • Players will be able to Settle their StarkNet Realms and begin to earn resources and $LORDS.
  • Resources Automated Market Maker (Q2 2022)

  • The Resources AMM provides the vital functionality for Adventurers to be able to trade for missing materials for upgrades - such as Wood, Diamonds and Dragonhide
  • PvP Contracts (Q2 2022)

  • Fight your way to resource supremacy by raiding other adventurers' Realms, and participate in other creative PvP experiences using Loot derivatives
  • The Lootverse economy (BEYOND)

  • With a thriving ecosystem on StarkNet, more features and composability across apps will emerge. Community involvement will guide this. We envision 1m+ players all working together to build a functioning on-chain economy.

LORDS 最後のニュース

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