Lightbulb Man

Lightbulb Man

Created using Figma
Experience Bjarne Melgaards NFT collection - The LightBulb Man. 1025 unique works of art. The same, and yet entirely different. Each piece Melgaard creates is its own, with extraordinary and hidden traits that make every LightbulbMan different from the next.
To be announced

約 Lightbulb Man

The Lightbulb Man is the digital art revolution, where you don’t just own a rare collectible – you become part of it through the Ethereum blockchain’s NFT technology. Your digital identity, interlinked with art that cannot be forged. Non-fungible, transparent and highly exclusive.

For the first time ever, Melgaard’s pieces will also be named - by you. All his works have been published as ‘untitled’ until now. When you buy a Lightbulb Man piece, you’ll be able to name it and so carve your own imprint into digital art history

1025 unique works of art. The same, and yet entirely different. Each piece Melgaard creates is its own, with extraordinary and hidden traits that make every Lightbulb Man different to the next.

As the curtains rise on the latest release, the stage is set for an epic battle between the lightbulb man and his greatest adversary yet - his addiction. Will he succumb to its call and take the WAT, or will he rise above and triumph over its alluring pull?

The Lightbulb Man is powered by NFT technology. These non-fungible tokens are certificates, stored securely and transparently on the Ethereum blockchain. Unalterable and forgery-proof, they are also the digital counterpart to analogue ownership, and the connection between your identity and your Lightbulb Man.

The tech makes it possible to verify your digital ownership automatically, and the ownership is coded onto the blockchain. A random algorithm on the blockchain distributes each NFT token once the sale closes, which is also when your virtual treasure hunt begins. By flipping through the completed collection, you will be able to compare your piece - your digital identity - to the others, and determine its rarity.

All Lightbulb Man works are rare. But like the da Vincis, Warhols, and Munchs on the traditional art market, some pieces will be rarer than others.


  • 22 Q1

  • 12-hour Techno Rave in Decentraland to celebrate the launch of The Lightbulb Man.
    Name your Lightbulb Man on the blockchain forever. You can choose his identity, a completely custom piece for you by Bjarne Melgaard.
  • 22 Q2

  • IRL galleries across Scandinavia.
    HATEFUCK, Clubnight in Oslo only for holders.
    Every holder gets a physical print of their NFT.
    LBM statue to give away.
  • 22 Q3

  • Transformation Merch - Spread the light IRL - Holders get exclusive access to a limited fashion store featuring design by Bjarne Melgaard.
    10 selected holders will be awarded an exclusive physical piece by Bjarne Melgaard.
  • 22 Q4

  • WAT IS GOING ON? - New release, will your lightbulb man succumb to their addiction and take the WAT?
  • 続きを読む
  • 23 Q1

  • WAT is coming.
  • 23 Q2

  • WAT is minting.

Lightbulb Man 最後のニュース

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