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KCC is a decentralized public chain with high performance.Its purpose is to solve the problems such as low performance and high cost of public chain, to provide community users with faster, more convenient and low-cost experience.
To be announced


Launched in June 16, 2021, KCC is a decentralized public chain with high performance built by the developer fans of KuCoin and KCS.

Our purpose is to solve problems such as low performance and high cost of the public chain and provide community users with a faster, more convenient, and less-costly experience.

KCC is EVM compatible. Deploy and run your dApps on KCC with your favorite tooling for Ethereum.

The average block time of KCC is 3 seconds. A typical transaction can be included in a block in less than 6 seconds. The block is finalized if more than half of all validators add their blocks after it.

The rewards in the KCC network are highly configurable. To better incentivize the healthy development of the KCC ecosystem, the Foundations provides incentive support to participants in the KCC network through subsidies. The transaction fees and the Foundations' eco-incentive are equally distributed to each vote (one KCS equals one vote). The rewards in the KCC network are highly configurable.

KCC is dedicated to building a decentralized network that is high-performing, low-cost, and low-consumption by using the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus protocol. Those 29 validators who have received the most votes in the network will become active validators responsible for mining and validating the blocks.

Eco-participants (validators and voters) will be rewarded with transaction fees for each block and eco-incentives provided by the Foundations. To ensure network security, KCC also introduced a penalty mechanism to deal with dishonest and unstable verifiers and possible attacks.


KCC 1.0 is built on the Ethereum source code and is compatible with EVM smart contracts. It seeks to solve the dual problem of low performance and high cost on Ethereum. Currently, millions of blocks have been produced while the number of active addresses on the chain has exceeded hundreds of thousands.

EVM Compatible
KCC is EVM compatible. Deploy and run your dApps on KCC with your favorite tooling for Ethereum.

Fast Finality
The average block time of KCC is 3 seconds. A typical transaction can be included in a block in less than 6 seconds. And this block is finalized if more than half of all validators add their blocks after it.

Low Cost
Gas fee is paid with KCS. Transfer your tokens around the world with a fraction of a cent.

Safe and Secure
Each block is validated by trusted validators with their identities and KCS as stakes.


  • 2021-04-28

  • KCC (testnet) Launched
  • 2021-06-16

  • KCC Launched
  • 2021-06-18

  • Grant Program Launched
  • 2021-06-25

  • KCC Ambassdor Program
  • 続きを読む
  • 2021-07-16

  • KCC Bridge Launched
  • 2021-09-24

  • KCC GoDAO Foundation Registered
  • 2021-09-27

  • Discover Launched
  • 2021-10-21

  • GoDAO Launched
  • 2021-11-19

  • Safe.kcc.io Launched
  • 2022-02-25

  • Ecosystem Incentive Funds Announced
  • 2022-03-15

  • First Hackathon Kicked Off
  • Coming Soon

  • Incubating Most Valued Projects in Unicorn

KCC 最後のニュース

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