Jack Russell Network

Jack Russell Network

Created using Figma
The Jack Russell Network-JRN
32% Passive income,1% liquidity
Auto Minig,Auto Farming
Auto Staking
To be announced

約 Jack Russell Network

The first official Slovak cryptocurrency registered on the stock exchange. Meme with benefits

has it ever happened to you that you didn't have time to buy in time? you do not have time?
Are you interested in investing?
If you answer yes to these questions, we currently have a price only 4 times higher than at the start. In addition, the cup was only $ 50 at the beginning !! Jack is trying to beat his great Father, Bitcoin! In profit!

Cloud Analytics 

If you invest now, your investment will pay you back a thousand times

0 Jaks Burn!

We don't burn animals!

A large number of projects will burn a lot of money as they are not well set up.

32% Real!

32% fee = redistributed to all existing holders.


1% fee is split 50/50 half of which is sold by the contract into BNB, while the other half of the Jack Russell tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned BNB and added as a liquidity pair on Pancake Swap.


Jack Russell Meme. Big Dream. Jack Russell Coin was born August 18st 2021 with the goal of being a decentralized meme project with a purpose. Jack Russell Network is a fun meme with a serious mission to rescue dogs in need, bring crypto adoption to the main stream with new concepts such as rewards, NFTS, decentralized exchanges, and credit card for crypto payment on our website. Within the first 21 Days of birth Jack Russell Network Coin made history surpassing 250 holders. Jack Russell  On our road map our paw wallet will have users track their rewards gained from reflections, wallet balance, coin valuation, and more. Jack Russell Network NFTs Our largest project in the works is our NFT marketplace. We will allow users to create and buy/auction their own NFTs and plan to allow users to donate a % to helping save dogs. Jack Russell Swag A merchandise store for $jack Russell holders to proudly support their favorite meme in the real world with the proceeds to benefit the project and help more dogs in need.



Jack Russell, including but not limited to the overall project, token, website, smart contracts and any apps (“Jack Russell”) as presented in thi

is conceptual paper is not a licensed, unlicensed or exempted financial or payment service of any kind and in any jurisdiction. Any terminology used in this Whitepaper, on the Website or within the app is intended only as a basic reference, without any eective or legal meaning of the same terms in a regulated and/or financial environment. Jack Russell is decentralized and community driven project and does not have owners, shareholders, promoters, marketers, managers, directors or other figures or entities exerting any form of governance. The Jack Russell smart contracts are open-source, security audited, permanent and non-modifiable in any way. The Jack Russell token is strictly a utility token in all jurisdictions and is not and cannot be considered to be a “security” or otherwise regulated token of any kind. Jack Russell is not in any way e-money and/or fiat money, or an asset backed stablecoin, whether global or limited in scope. This Whitepaper taken by itself is not a contract or a contractual agreement of any kind, nor is it an invitation, solicitation or oer to invest in Jack Russell or acquire or use Jack Russell tokens in any way and with any expectation of profit therefrom. Any user of Jack Russell represents and warrants that such user has received appropriate technical, administrative, regulatory and legal advice before and aer accessing and/or reading this Whitepaper or the Website, and/or using any portion or element of Jack Russell (including the Jack Russell token). The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that there is an inherent high risk in accessing, acquiring or using any kind of blockchain and/or crypto system, token, plaorm, soware or inteace, including Jack Russell, and further disavows any claim of any kind against any community member directly or indirectly involved with Jack Russell, for any damage suered, including total loss. 

Jack Russell Network チーム

検証済み 0%


Peter Kružliak
Project manager, programmer, designer, founder
Ivan Melek
Project consultant
Andrea Goliášová
Designer, marketing, recruitment, co-founder

Jack Russell Network 最後のニュース

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