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InvArch proposes a decentralized & transparent solution for Intellectual Property (IP) rights through the conceptualization of a trustless cross-chain authentication protocol & a cross-chain markup language (XCML) that provides a truly composable indexing framework for defining & representing data-agnostic structures. XCML is a format for indexing IP Files in an IP Set that emphasizes simplicity, generality, and usability across a multi-chain, multi-protocol internet. An IP Set would always be the root of an XCML structure. A Cross-Chain Object Representation (XCDM) Is a cross-protocol interface for interpreting XCML tokens sothat IP assets can change their structure, functionality, composition, and metadata. Additionally, an Intellectual Property Virtual Machine (IPVM) is proposed as a trustless environment for Smart IP contract execution & composability testing.
To be announced

約 InvArch

The InvArch Network is a Multichain Account abstraction hub, optimized for decentralized operations & financial management spanning across every blockchain.

InvArch provides individuals, organizations & DAOs with a single account that can be used to manage all of their assets & execute transactions across any network.

InvArch is an IP management protocol with smart contract functionality that is being built for the Polkadot ecosystem to one day join the Polkadot relay chain as a parachain. InvArch is designed to allow streamlined access to IP storage, IP ownership, IP authentication, and to turn IP into digital assets that can experience utility in decentralized applications. InvArch provides the protocol for IP storage, introducing IP Tokens (IPTs), IP Sets, and IPOwnership (IPO) tokens. IPTs provide a standard and means for minting all forms of IP (copyright, creative & digital works, code, etc.). IP Sets provide the framework for elaborate mechanisms to be designed. Some examples that IP Sets can be used for are to represent an idea, an album, design patents, or even an entire education system. IP Ownership tokens can serve a plethora of multi-utility use-case possibilities, such as rights to royalty claims, access rights to linked IPTs, security tokens for IP Sets, voting weight in DAOs governing an IP Set, and currency in IP-based dApps.

The world's first truly composable IP ownership, utility & cross-chain authentication protocol. InvArch revolutionizes the world of innovation beginning at the very start of development. InvArch features the INV4 Standard for minting authenticated & interoperable files or NFTs as IP Files (IPFs), truly composable IP Sets, & pegged IP Tokens (IPTs) featuring multi-purpose utility to Web 3.0. Wrapped IP (WIP) are permanent or temporary extensions of an IPF or IP Set whose content mirrors that of its parent, feature custom streamlined agreements (terms, limitations, conditions, and expirations), & can be used cross-chain by separate owners & IP Sets than their parents.

InvArch also introduces the Cross-Chain Authentication (XCA) Protocol, featuring Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM) to index, cross-reference, & certify INV4 Standard IP asset authenticity across Web3. Future upgrades are planned to be explored in order to advance the Cross-Chain Authentication (XCA v.1) to Cross-Consensus Authentication (XCA v.2), and fully realize a web3 comprehensive standard for IP asset authentication & protection.

InvArch will serve as the center point of IP tokenization and authentication. Utilizing lateral cross-consensus messaging (XCM), a technological breakthrough made possible by the Polkadot relay chain, IP Files minted on other chains throughout the Paraverse will have their data sent from their native chains and through the Polkadot relay, where InvArch and cross-references will receive them for plagiarism. This technology will provide a mechanism for instantly validating content and flagging duplicated files. Through the achievement of the InvArch parachain, the InvArch SDK, and Cross-Chain Authentication, InvArch will provide a permanent and upgradeable protocol for IP management, utility, and authentication.

Project Highlight
InvArch sets a standard for, and makes possible, the tokenization of files and intellectual works as NFTs called Intellectual Property Tokens (IPTs). IPTs are a new kind of digital asset that secure & authenticate IP ownership. IPTs can be combined into collections of related IP called IP Sets, which are intended to reflect the storage of files detailing or describing an idea; however, use-cases are free for future developers to decide based on the needs of their applications.

Additionally, InvArch introduces pegged & programmable IP Ownership tokens (IPO tokens). These tokens are pegged to an IP Set, and can serve a variety of multi-utility possibilities. Such possibilities could include acting as rights to royalty claims, access rights to linked IPTs, security tokens over IP, voting weight in DAOs that govern IP, and currency in IP-based dApps. InvArch is powered by VARCH, the native token of the protocol. VARCH is a multi-purpose utility token that exists to provide voting weight to its holders in governance matters related to the protocol, cover IPT minting fees, stake towards IP Sets & dApps on-chain, and act as a medium of exchange for applications built using InvArch. InvArch is being built to join the Polkadot ecosystem as a parachain, introducing interoperable IP assets to the relay.



Gasless Transactions for DAOs.
DAOs can bond VARCH to unlock gasless operational transactions (such as voting) for their members.

Dynamic Multisig Accounts.
Treasury & sub-treasury systems can be designed using custom rules, roles, & permissions for DAOs & SubDAOs.

Flexible Governance Frameworks.
DAOs & multisig accounts can either define custom rules & permissions or deploy predefined frameworks.

DAO Staking & Crowdfunding.
DAOs & multisig accounts can either define custom rules & permissions or deploy predefined frameworks.

Intellectual Property Primitives.
The InvArch Network features non-fungible primitives with pegged ownership tokens & licensing agreements.

Git Compatible NFT Primitives.
DAOs can store their work on-chain as git repositories, which includes git version control & file management.

Multichain Interoperability.
DAOs on the InvArch Network can easily connect with DID solutions & virtual machines on external blockchains.

Off-Chain Integrations.
DAOs deployed on the InvArch Network can trustlessly integrate with Web2 services & communication tools.

InvArch チーム

検証済み 0%


Dakota Barnett
Gabriel Facco De Arr...
Kresna Sucandra
Mindaugas Savickas
Casey Richardson
Community Manager

InvArch 最後のニュース

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