FaceToPlace: Redefining Social Networking with Gamification and Web3 Integration

FaceToPlace: Redefining Social Networking with Gamification and Web3 Integration

Konstantin Goncharov, CTO at FaceToPlace project, explores FaceToPlace's unique approach to enhancing social interactions by integrating comprehensive location details, Web3 technology, and gamification, while maintaining a focus on user privacy and security.

How does FaceToPlace differentiate itself from other social networking platforms in terms of providing comprehensive details about nearby locations and events?

K: The closest analogue from the Web2 world is Foursquare, the application that inspired us. We borrowed some of its mechanics to create our own world where real objects, places, and attractions become part of the Web3 game world.

The ecosystem not only helps you navigate the city when you really need it and collects user reviews and feelings, but also allows you to earn digital rewards in the form of NFT tokens and physical gifts from hosts.

What are some potential challenges or obstacles FaceToPlace may face in achieving its goal of becoming a leading platform for social communication and interaction?

K: The competition for attention and engagement is challenging and tiresome, causing visual fatigue. That's why we need to make regular wipes and shift the focus to new places and locations, encouraging people to travel more.

Can you elaborate on the specific Web3 applications integrated into FaceToPlace and how they contribute to its functionality?

K: We are using the TON (The Open Network) blockchain as our foundation and are looking for partners to join the backwards compatibility development team for the Ethereum blockchain and teams that would be interested in helping us integrate other blockchains and networks. We are building a true crosschain project and our tokens should be available in people's wallets whoever and whatever they use and believe in. For authorisation in our DAO users can now use both TonConnect and MetaMask wallets. We are a proponent of non-custodial solutions, so users can restore a FaceToPlace wallet into their favorite asset tracking and NFT application.

In what ways does FaceToPlace leverage gamification to enhance sociability and presence in real life?

K: Here's an example:

A new chain of traditional Italian restaurants for the whole family opens in western Italy. As a promotional activity, they can use a bonus programme and check the conditions of their promotions through FaceToPlace tools, monitor the quality of the establishments, ensure the minting and burning of their own digital coin (jettons) and drop NFT toys for holidays and themed events. This generates interest in the businesses, keeps people active and it's all transparent and published on the blockchain.

Could you explain the role of partnerships with companies, organizers, and representatives in the development of regions and places within the FaceToPlace ecosystem?

K: In answer to the previous question, I gave an example of a business (a chain of traditional restaurants) that we need partners like this. We want people to be able to use digital assets in real life in a simpler way that does not require complex tools and expensive developers, we want to move traditional concepts into the realm of transparent and accessible technologies for everyone. And we need partners who are not afraid to experiment and compile our vision of the future. 

What measures does FaceToPlace take to ensure user privacy and security, especially when providing complete information about nearby places, events, and people?

K: Since FaceToPlace is a geosocial network that needs to know your location to find people, places and events nearby, we don't ask people for anything more than what they are able and willing to give us. If you don't want to share your location - no problem, just drop a pin to map and our service will show you the best places in that area (100% anonymous). But if you trust in the future and want your vote for this or that establishment to belong to you personally, and your friends to see how you rated a new cinema, then of course you lose some of your anonymity.

In addition to total surveillance and danger, technology can also provide protection and security. For example, you can see where your child is after school, or if you are accused of a crime you did not commit, technology allows you to prove that you were not involved (for example, you were somewhere else at the time, doing something else). Technology is neither a panacea nor a poison; it is important to weigh up the risks and benefits of using certain solutions.

We only allow people to be both completely anonymous and provide the level of privacy that is comfortable for each individual.

How does FaceToPlace encourage users to actively participate in joint activities and engage with like-minded individuals within the platform?

K: The FaceToPlace app allows you to arrange, host and attend both offline and online events. We were also the first to promote hybrid events where some participants can meet offline and some join them via the free online FaceToPlace Meet conference. For participation in joint activities from walking with friends to attending the conference, users receive individual FaceStat rating points and can exchange them for gifts from the event organizers.

Can you provide examples of how FaceToPlace transforms everyday experiences into engaging adventures for its users?

K: A very simple example is taking your dog for a walk. This routine activity takes dog owners 10-20 minutes a day, walking around the neighborhood or going to the local park to take their four-legged friend for a walk. During this walk, if you bring FaceToPlace to the foreground, you can find an activity point for which you can get an NFT or other type of reward. Agree, walking and routine activities become more interesting, it also helps to keep your brain in shape and diversify your walking routes to reduce the risk of dementia in old age :)

How does FaceToPlace plan to scale its platform and expand its user base while maintaining its focus on enhancing communication and sociability?

K: To make our plans a reality, we need creative minds, developers, artists, game world builders, and blockchain experts. FaceToPlace started out as a simple check-in app, where users could link photos to points on a map. However, it has now evolved into an entire ecosystem that includes dating services, online conferencing tools, artificial intelligence and data visualization developments, and even social projects related to psychology and finding the perfect soulmate. As we continue to develop our services, our primary focus remains on facilitating communication and making life easier for people. Whatever direction we take next, enhancing communication and simplifying life will always be our main priorities.

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