Professor John Mangan

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About Professor John Mangan
As the Director of the Australian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE) I head a dynamic collaboration of world-class researchers from The University of Queensland’s Business School, School of Economics, and TC Beirne School of Law. Our focus is Australian and global innovation with new horizon research addressing the current needs and future challenges of industries, governments, and businesses. A career academic with a solid publishing profile, I also keep the research relevant by working with Australia’s iconic brands and multinationals, including BHP, Rio-Tinto, Energex, and the National Rugby League to ensure their business decisions are based on proven economic principles. While I can connect you with a diverse range of research expertise via AIBE – applied economics, strategy, business analytics, for example – my own specialities include regional economics, labour economics, business finance, business policy, management, and quantitative economics. My extensive academic, consultancy, editorial and ‘expert opinion’ experience means my skills as an economic modeller are frequently engaged for impact analyses and applied micro-economics relating to professional sports, wages and employment, and workplace health and safety. I’m currently a principal of Synergies Economic Consulting, a director of the Economics & Law Research Institute (ELRI), a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Manpower, and contributor to the Ministerial Commission for Training and Education. I’m a member of the Economic Society of Australia (Qld branch), Australasian Regional Science Association International, Royal Economic Society and Labour Economics Group (UK).
  • Lancaster University
    • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
  • The University of Queensland
    • Master of Economics
  • The University of Queensland
    • Bachelor of Economics
  • See 2 more
  • The University of Queensland
    • Diploma in Education
  • Lancaster University
    • Master of Arts - MA
  • Synergies Economic Consulting Pty Ltd
    • Principal
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