Hooty Owls NFT

Hooty Owls NFT

Created using Figma
Hooty Owls is a superb collection of 10,000+ unique, AI generated Hooties adventuring on the Ethereum blockchain.Generated by our AI powered learning machines, every Hooty is unique and made from over 500+ traits like skin, background, clothing and more. They are all made with love, and some are rarer than others.
To be announced

約 Hooty Owls NFT

The avant-garde Super Club of owls teleported from planet Eyrie to writhe all rationale. Snooty president DROTH who quaff’s synthetic blood, his witty bio-chipped wife LUCY, their commander in chief TYR of proven mettle, the minister VISIE, crazy scientist WALCH are all here in gluttony for power. Besides their day-time jobs, every Hooty comes pre cultured for long moonlit sessions.

They make new rules and evolve 10x faster each night. These adroit super morphed icons of wisdom and wit use adaptive AI skills to become a SUPER-SPECIES on planet Earth. The PARLIAMENT has both Male and Female Owls equally smart, witty and sassy.


Hooty Paradise

Once you join the parliament, you become part of our community and get access to all annoucements, giveaways and rewards. You may be even lucky to Mint a Themed Hooty! Welcome aboard!

Long Term Profits

We'll ensure that every Hooty Owl NFT you mint brings good value and passive income for you. All our holders get first hand access to Treehouses, Hooty Owlets & 3d Hooties to bring in continued profits

Merchandise Magic

There's nothing like a sense of pride for your ownership. Mint and Stalk your Hooty to experience the exclusive Hooty Merchandise magic!

Member Area

Experience our member login area for the special treatment you deserve. Tell us your preference, Play around & Mint! Get the NFT that you can relate to. Experience a never seen MINT experience!

Own a Treehouse

Home your Hooty in an awesome Treehouse. All holders get a TreeHouse airdropped absolutely free! We'll even give you an option to reserve a Treehouse of your choice. Get one for every Hooty you own.

Frequent Airdrops

We believe in giving back to our community. All holders will be eligible for our upcoming giveaways and airdrops. And there are quite a few!

Theme Hooties

Giveaway themed Hooties like Superheroes, Royal, Haunted, Animalia and more, to our top 10 referals and buyers. Hoot more, Mint more, and own the Rare ones!

Hoot more get more

We are committed to frequent giveaways. We'd love to pamper the active community members with generous giveaways and a say in major community decisions. Hoot more, get more!


There's nothing like passive income with Hooty in your wallet. We've pledged to share good chunk of all royalties back with our community. We call them Hoowards!

Hi-Res Artwork

When you mint a Hooty Owl or Treehouse, you get complete ownership of the high resolution artwork in 2500px by 2500px png format. Print it, publish it, brand it, flaunt it, use it however you like; its all

Long Live Hooties

The game doesn't stop here, We've got the more advance GenX Hooty Owlets with premium access to our AI software, and the evolution to 3d Hooty Owls which opens new avenues into the Metaverse.

Hooty Club VIP Pass

VIP access to the Hooty Club which opens door to our upcoming Mega Events, a party at private Island and of course the Metaverse access by your VIP Pass.

Hooty Owls NFT チーム

検証済み 0%


Snooty Hooty Commander Co-Founder
Chief Character Artist Co-founder
Captain General NFT Evangelist
Witty Hooty Scrum Master
Crazy Scientist Blockchain Lead
Chatty Bud Social Media Strategist
Hooty Ministre Head Moderator

Hooty Owls NFT 最後のニュース

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