Hela Labs

Hela Labs

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HeLa Labs, the first Layer 1 blockchain powered by fiat-backed stablecoin, is developed by renowned scientists and engineers in collaboration with A*STAR IHPC to achieve real-world adoption. Our collaborative effort aims to bring traditional web2 solutions to web3 platforms and transform industries through modular design, privacy-preserving transactions, multi-level decentralized identity, and built-in stable coin token functionality.
To be announced
Hela Labs
building a new one

約 Hela Labs

Hela represents the next generation of Layer 1 blockchain protocols, built upon the principles of Web 3.0. Designed with a user-centric approach, Hela empowers users by providing enhanced asset integration, flexible personal sovereignty, and an exceptional user experience, while ensuring auditability and compliance of their data.

Hela is designed with a user-centered approach. Drawing inspiration from well-established projects like Tendermint, Cosmos, and Oasis as implementation references, Hela differentiates itself through unique and customized designs. These include a multi-layer modular architecture with a novel asset integration layer, autonomous and controlled multi-level privacy protection, comprehensive and fine-grained digital identity management, as well as stable and affordable transaction fees.

Hela is an innovative, modular blockchain that dissects the system into distinct, interconnected layers: the consensus layer, the execution layer, the asset integration layer and the storage layer.

In the Hela framework, each layer is managed independently by specialized roles. These layers collaborate with one another, collectively delivering security, scalability, decentralization and other crucial properties to the Hela ecosystem, ultimately empowering users with a next-generation blockchain experience.


Hela Chain has a modular design, split into an consensus layer, asset integration layer, execution layer and storage layer, making it highly scalable and flexible

The chain has a built-in stable coin token that serves as the gas fee for transactions, reducing volatility and increasing user adoption.

Hela Chain also features a multi-level decentralized identity for enhanced security and privacy-preserving transactions for added confidentiality.

A unique asset integration layer facilitates the seamless integration of various assets across runtimes in a modular blockchain environment.

Hela Labs チーム

検証済み 50%


Alifia Berizky
Community Manager
Donna Lee

Hela Labs インタビュー

Alifia Berizky
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a community manager in an ICO project, my role is to effectively communicate with and engage the community. I focus on growing the community, providing support, gathering feedback, advocating the brand, and organizing community events. By building a strong and engaged community, I contribute to the project's success.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of developing a Layer-1 solution designed by renowned engineers and scientists in collaboration with A*STAR IHPC (Institute of High Performance Computing) for real-world adoption sounds promising. By involving experts in the field, the project is likely to benefit from their knowledge and expertise in designing robust and efficient solutions.

A Layer-1 solution typically refers to the underlying blockchain protocol or network, and developing a new solution can bring advancements in scalability, security, and performance. Collaboration with A*STAR IHPC suggests a scientific and research-oriented approach, which can contribute to the development of innovative features and technologies.

Real-world adoption indicates a focus on practical use cases and implementation, which is essential for the success and impact of any blockchain project. By prioritizing adoption, the project aims to create tangible value and utility, potentially attracting users and stakeholders from various industries.

Overall, the idea of a Layer-1 solution developed by renowned engineers and scientists in collaboration with A*STAR IHPC for real-world adoption demonstrates a strong foundation for building a technologically advanced and practical blockchain solution.

Hela Labs 最後のニュース

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