Groof Street

Groof Street

Created using Figma
Introducing the beautiful and terrible demons of Groof Street!
To be announced

約 Groof Street

Groof Street was developed by Max Acrone Studio in 2022. Our idea is supposed by a team of developers, artists, marketers, months of work and a huge amount of ambition.

Groof Street is the embodiment of an idea and a desire to change the world in the form of NFT art. Project development is a global process aimed at creating a complete product with game modifications. In developing Groof Street, we will expand the choice for the user as much as possible, add more factions and a game with a system of battles, ranks, farming, rewards and lots of fun, also create a metaverse in the Improbable M2 network.


We dream of creating something new, incredible and will win the hearts of our followers. Groof Street game unfolds in a metaverse called DevilTroid, in this metaverse you must develop your district, playing for your character, this is a new genre in the gaming industry "Strategic MMORPG". Earn $DTC to improve your district, recruit a gang and go into exciting battles for districts in PVP. Each of your victories will be rewarded with a variety of bonuses including $DTC and district upgrades. Different battle modes include a farming and steaking in PVE system, turn off the PVP mode and you will not be touched, but if you want to turn on the PVP mode prepare to get more $DTC, and prepare to repel the attack other districts. Buy a DevilPass that would also get more $DTC. You also expect a variety of new stages such as Mutations, Area Defense, DAO and more! Don't forget to develop your area improving infrastructure the more buildings and businesses in your area the more your profit! See you in DevilTroid my friend :)


  • Phase 1

  • Preparation and Launch - Gathering a team, Create a collection, Creating a website, Creating content, and blah blah blah....

    PRE-SALE - The first 666 gangster demons are already on Earth. Old-school gangsters from the '90s like to chill out, rap and know a lot about attractive ladies. If you like real fucking cars, real fucking money, real fucking guns and a rich life, answer the question - are you ready for this vibe?

    MINT - There's obviously something wrong with these guys! Every damn day we work in the office for them to come back... Today we realized by the smell in our office... Demons come back to our world. Meet a collection of 1313 demons. We know they are far from friendly, but trust us - they know what a profitable business is!

    CREATING COINS - The coin will have many different uses, such as buying in-game additions, betting in gameplay, and the ability to exchange coins. Making bets in the NFT, you will receive coins. Coin functionality will increase with each further update. We will be with you every step of the way, making sure that your assets are never lost.

    NEW WEBSITE - The new website will have a live broadcast of MINT from the office... Yeah, it's pretty fucking cool! We've saved some interesting facts about the site for you to keep you entertained. The site is stylized with the NFT collections theme and has the potential to be a full multiplatform for our future collections, which you'll know about soon! Demons don't know anything yet, they've been figuring out how to get a couple hundred pounds of weed for several weeks.

    PASSIVE REWARDS AND A SECRET GIFT - Everyone who believed in these demons will get what they deserve! You believed the demon, and he is loyal to you and will not remain in debt to his keeper. Besides, the district doesn't forget its gangsters, so we'll surprise all the keepers of the first old-school demon.
  • Phase 2

  • SALE OF DEVILTROID LANDS - The lands of the secret city of Deviltroid will become available for purchase. Everyone who bought lands will have a unique opportunity to create a business and their own gang in the future!

    OPENING OF THE DEMONIC COUNCIL (DAO SYSTEM) - A gang of demons will appear in our area, they will discuss important issues of the project development with the help of an open voting system together with the project developers. The demons keep their weapons ready and protect the council, in case of an unexpected situation, these guys will open fire on them without any sympathy. They have already died and they definitely have nothing to fear, so if you decide to attack the council of demons, good luck...

    ALPHA TEST P2E GAME ON UNREAL ENGINE 5 PLATFORM - Collection holders will have the opportunity to move their NFT characters into the Deviltroid game world. Open world, freedom of action, system of ranks and battle, the creation of gangs and earning COINS during the game – all this is GROOF STREET DEVILTROID. The user will be able to move up in the ranking among all the participants, receive rewards, improve the characteristics of his character and win crazy battles. My demon already has a gun at the ready, so you better stock up on bullets or get out of our district!
  • Phase 3

  • CREATING NEW FACTIONS - To increase the capitalization of the project and attract a new audience, our gang went to another district to repay debts, but we will need reinforcements to defeat our rivals. And also, in order to give users of our future world more opportunities to interact - we will create several new factions in the form of NFT collections that will be directly related to the Demon Project.

    SKELETONS AND ANGELS - Skeletal rockers, including former guitarists, drummers, and vocalists who were eaten by worms... Skeletons will be able to organize their own cemeteries and pubs, which in the future will be able to compete with the demonic ghettos of the districts. During the development we will also do some cosmetic operations and clean them from dirt, because it is impossible to be near them... perhaps it is worth disinfecting the offices. Skeletons and demons are good, of course, but can merciful angels stand up to the undead? We will find out...

    FACTION COMPETITION - Demons and skeletons will join the battle for a better life, and you can always track who wins on our website. Depending on the winning side, the website will change the design. We will create a platform where you can compete, communicate and improve the characteristics of your character. The in-game currency purchase system will be based on our COIN.
  • Phase 4

  • OPENING METAVERSE - Deviltroid will become a complete metaverse, where users can communicate, develop gangs and farm coins. Users from any faction will have the opportunity to use lands purchased in the Metaverse to create their own ecosystem. NFT, lands and DevilPas will allow users to create a complete ecosystem for themselves and earn rewards in the form of $DTC.

Groof Street チーム

検証済み 0%


Max Acrone
Vlad Delacrico
Project Manager
Marketing Dealer
Max Acrone Studio

Groof Street 最後のニュース

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