

Created using Figma
Gorilla Coin was made with one overarching goal: to make a difference in this world through the means of crypto. Too many projects launch every day that serve no purpose.
To be announced

約 GorillaCoin

The utilities are ubiquitous and are generally used to fatten the developer’s wallet, while the dedicated community gets hurt. Here at Gorilla Coin, we want to change that culture. Our mission is to cater to our community, giving them fun utilities and a safe place to invest. All while aiding in the survival of Gorillas, an endangered species in today’s world. In doing so, we can alter the current perspective some hold on crypto, inspiring developers to create tokens that give investors an opportunity to make money while being a part of a cause.

How Will Donation Funds Be Generated?

The main source of funding to be donated to charities will be through our taxation system, where a certain percentage of each transaction will go to our donation wallet. However, that is not the only way we will be generating those funds. We plan on creating NFT’s in which a percentage of the price to mint will be used as donation funding. Further, the donation wallet address will be made available for anyone that would like to make a direct donation, with forms for those that would like to make their contribution public. Of course, you can stay anonymous if you would like.


Liquidity Tax: 4% of every transaction is automatically added to the liquidity pool. This will help create a stronger floor.

Project Tax: 6% of every transaction is automatically swapped to BNB and sent to the project wallet. This will primarily be used for marketing, but will also be used for development, listings, additional charitable donations, etc.

Charity Tax: 2% of every transaction is automatically swapped to BNB and sent to the charity wallet. This wallet will only be used to make charitable donations.



GorillaCoin has a 2% tax on buy and sells that go directly to a wallet to make donations. Donation funds will also come from the selling of the NFT's.


You guys will play a big part in a lot of aspects of GorillaCoin. Whether that be community votes on charity foundations to donate to, taxes or whatever else may come.

100% SAFE

We are a known team who has grown the respect and trust of many people in this space. In addition, we will have an audit done.


  • Phase 1

  • ✅ Team Formation
    ✅ Whitepaper Release
    ✅ Smart Contract Testing
    ✅ Roadmap Creation
    ✅ Website Launch
    ✅ NFT Launch
    ✅ Pancakeswap Launch
  • Phase 2

  • ☐ Initial Community Building
    ☐ 1000 Telegram Members
    ☐ 500 Holders
    ☐ Influencer Marketing
    ☐ Marketing Campaigns
    ☐ Community Competitions/Giveaways
    ☐ GorillaSwap Released
    ☐ $10,000 Donated
  • Phase 3

  • ☐ P2E Avatar NFT Showcase
    ☐ P2E Avatar NFT Sales
    ☐ Bigger Marketing campaigns
    ☐ Bigger Influencers
    ☐ 2000 Telegram Members
    ☐ 1000 Holders
    ☐ Utility Introduction
    ☐ Contract Audit
    ☐ P2E game development
    ☐ CoinGecko Application and Listing
    ☐ $50,000 Donated
  • Phase 4

  • ☐ Land NFT Showcase
    ☐ Land NFT Sales
    ☐ Partnerships
    ☐ CMC application and listing
    ☐ Exchange Listings
    ☐ P2E Game released
    ☐ Continuous Development of New Utilities
    ☐ Poocoin Ads , Dextools, Crypto.com Trending
    ☐ GorillaDEX
    ☐ $100,000 Donated

GorillaCoin 最後のニュース

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