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GiggleGem just a meme coin?, No, GiggleGem is not just a meme coin it’s a versatile and innovative Cryptocurrency token on Binance Smart Chain that aims to revolutionize the digital economy by combining the power of e-commerce, memes, philanthropy, staking and entertainment, with it’s unique utilities.
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
Initial Liquidity: 2,500,000,000,000 GGEM (25% of total supply)
CEX Listings Reserve: 1,000,000,000,000 GGEM (10% of total supply)
GiggleGem Fund: 1,000,000,000,000 GGEM (10% of total supply)
Presale: 4,000,000,000,000 GGEM (40% of total supply)
Airdrop: 1,000,000,000,000 GGEM (10% of total supply)
Development and Marketing: 500,000,000,000 GGEM (5% of total supply)

約 GiggleGem

The rise of cryptocurrencies has transformed the financial landscape, but the market has often been overshadowed by complex technologies and serious tones. GiggleGem aims to bring together the digital economy with it's utilities while also leveraging the viral nature of memes and the inherent Joy they bring to people's lives. GiggleGem is a versatile and innovative Cryptocurrency token on the Binance Smart Chain that aims to revolutionize the digital economy by combining the power of e-commerce,Philanthropy, and Entertainment with it's unique utilities. GiggleGem provides users with a seamless and rewarding experience, emphasizing it's commitment to fostering a vibrant Community, promoting transparency and driving long-term value for it's holders.


1. Memetic Rewards:
Holders of GiggleGem can enjoy 3% from transactions in the ecosystem.

2. Community Engagement:
GiggleGem fosters an active and engaged community centered around humor and memes, users can participate in meme contests, share funny contents, and connect with other meme enthusiasts.

3. Charitable Initiatives:
GiggleGem believes in spreading joy for a good cause. A portion of the proceeds from transactions are donated to Charitable Initiatives, making a difference while having fun.

4. Utilities:
GiggleGem utilities are also among the the features and benefits, Read about them below.


  • Phase 1

  • Airdrop
    Initiate the project by conducting an airdrop campaign. Distribute a certain amount of GiggleGem tokens to a wide audience aiming to generate initial interest and create a community around the project. This helps increase token awareness and attract potential investors and users.

    After airdrop. Launch a presale event to offer early investors the opportunity to purchase GiggleGem tokens at a discounted price. This phase will help to secure initial funding to support the projects development and operational costs. Implement a well- structured token sale process with clearly defined terms to attract a diverse range of investors.

    Following the successful completion of the presale. Launch the GiggleGem token on the Binance Smart Chain, make the token accessible to the public through a decentralized exchange to facilitate trading and liquidity.

    Coinmarketcap & Coingecko listings
    To increase visibility and . credibility, aim to have GiggleGem listed on popular cryptocurrency data platforms such as Coingecko and Coinmarketcap. These platforms provide valuable market data, increasing price, and market capitalization, attracting potential investors and users.
  • Phase 2

  • Marketing
    Once the token is launching, Shift the focus to Marketing and Community Building. Which includes social media campaigns, content creation, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising. Engage with community through regular updates, AMA sessions and community-driven initiatives to foster trust, loyalty and broader adaption of GiggleGem.

    Form strategic partnerships and collaborations with other projects, businesses, or Organizations that align with GiggleGem’s values and objectives. Seek out partnerships with e-commerce platforms, game developers, and online casinos to expand the tokens utility and reach. Collaborations can include joint marketing efforts, integration of GiggleGem into existing platforms, and mutually beneficial initiatives that enhance the overall ecosystem.

    Introduce staking functionality to incentivize token holders to participate in staking their GiggleGem tokens to earn additional tokens as rewards.
  • Phase 3

  • Centralized Exchange (CEX) listings
    Successfully securing CEX listings will allow GiggleGem to reach a broader range of investors and traders, increasing trading opportunities and overall market exposure.

    Expansion of utilities
    Continuously explore and develop additional utilities for GiggleGem to enhance it’s value proposition. This can involve integrating with more e-commerce platforms expanding partnerships with gaming platforms and online casinos, and exploring innovative use cases with the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Regularly evaluate market trends and user feedback to identify opportunity for utility expansion and user satisfaction.
  • Phase 4

  • Continuous Development and improvement:
    Maintain a dedicated development team to ensure the ongoing enhancement and optimization of GiggleGem, Regularly stay up to date with industry best practices and regulatory requirements to ensure compliance and user trust.

    Remember that this roadmap is a general outline, and specific timelines and strategies may vary depending on market conditions, and regulatory considerations.

GiggleGem 最後のニュース

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