Gangsta Geckos

Gangsta Geckos

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Gangsta Geckos is a collection of 10,000 NFT Gecko warriors all with unique traits who stand at the ready to retaliate against their mortal enemy. The first wave of Geckos will use any and all weapons at their disposal to take their revenge. Mint them now!
To be announced

約 Gangsta Geckos

Years prior, the pack of advance humanoid monkeys (who named themselves The Hendai Ape or THA) that infiltrated their base and plundered a quarter of their resources, caused great devastation to their small clan.

The raiding THAs had targeted Allenium by drilling 20 feet underground in order to access the the Gangsta Geckos secret cavern of Allenium stash. The enemies were able to flee the base and even kidnap top Gangsta Gecko scientists as hostages, along with the stolen Allenium.

The Gangsta Geckos have been preparing retaliation on their sworn enemies for years to regain their scientists and their dignity. Finally, a small warrior band has been selected to represent their most advanced fleet and are ready to take off and ambush the enemy's territory.

A series of Gangsta Geckos can be minted on OpenSea to join forces with their military fleet. Only you can increase the size of their warrior fleet, giving them the advantage they need to seek their revenge.

All Gangsta Gecko Warriors will have different traits. Left with limited resources by their enemies, the first wave of Geckos will use the default weapons at their disposal to take their revenge. Collect them now!

Gecko Underground Caverns

Hidden in the Gecko Underground Caverns is the Gangsta Geckos Grotto — a top-secret facility only accessible to the newly created band of Gangsta Geckos warriors.

→ Only minted Gangsta Geckos will have access to the Gangsta Gecko Grotto.

Gecko backup scientists are working diligently in the Grotto to restore the regenerative tech necessary to grow a new hybrid breed of Gecko Mutant fighters to assist the original fleet.

→ Only the original Gangsta Geckos warriors will be eligible to receive a Mutant Gecko fighter drop to fight by its side.

To support the urgency of the Gangsta Geckos mission, the first 1000 Gecko minters will share 10% of the total collection (i.e 30 ETH) once the entire Gangsta Gecko Army is minted and is on its way to take its revenge.

Gangsta Geckos 最後のニュース

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