


Reimagining the way players cooperate, earn and develop together. Well-balanced economic system to create immersive experience and sustainable long-term ROI.

Cooperation vs PvP

Players need to sign contracts, earn reputation, interact and negotiate. We believe games can be fun and rewarding without fighting others. Cooperation is built into literally every single aspect of gameplay.

Competitive economy

Multiple economic cycles allow for diverse scenarios and outcomes depending on the level of commitment and investment. This is not yet another click-to-earn title. We are building a world people will enjoy exploring for years to come.

Game balance

Not a single role in the game is isolated from cooperation with at least one counterparty. Players can choose their gameplay style based on their time and money allowances, as well as on the experience they want from DeepMine.

Inside DeepMine

DeepMine features different roles that imply various responsibilities with Senators taking the political role, Landlords managing their areas, Factory and Mining owners running the industrial side, Contractors working in mines while Geologists, Engineers and Scientists servicing the production and further exploration. Different roles enable multiple ways to play the game and earn the in-game token thus diversifying user-experience and making the game more engaging.

Players economy

After initial NFT drops are over, most of the game NFT assets will be produced, upgraded and serviced by the players. DeepMine will only sell non-competitive premium features and starting game packs that will be purchased by new players through fiat. This does not contradict the ”players economy” paradigm as it literally brings new money into the metaverse economy thus creating more demand all existing players benefit from.


Introducing both NFT assets and service marketplaces, DeepMine creates an unprecedented level of real economic interaction within the game. Internal NFT marketplace enables blockchain-agnostic approach and full control over offchain attributes. On the other side, service market allows users to interact with each other like they would have in real world.


Each DeepMine Сitizen is a part of the DAO and has a certain amount of DAO power to influence the course of the gameplay by voting on initiatives that are put to a vote by Senators and the Government. Either only Senators or all Citizens can participate in the voting depending on the importance and scale of the decision made. DAO power depends on users reputation and the amount of DMP token staked in favor of a certain Senator or a player themselves.


Everyone adds to the overall success! Whatever game strategy and tactics fit the player best - they will be able to add value to the community and create value for themselves!


Guided by the principles of the DAO, the government divided the Eleazar's surface into 1000 areas and invited respectable citizens to take over the management of the areas.

Mine Owner

Manage your own mine and equipment. Mine energy (DME token), hire other players as contractors, upgrade your facilities and join forces with other players to maximize profits.


Mine energy on other mines or lease your equipment to other players so that it works for you even when you are not playing.

Engineer / Geologist / Scientist

Research and develop unique upgrades for other players and receive rewards.

Factory Owner

Manage the factory to manufacture mining equipment available for sale on AtomicHub market.


Influence the game politics and get paid for the political activity.


DeepMine features a very complicated and sophisticated economy with hundreds of variables resembling a self-sufficient free market economy that can naturally accommodate new inputs without the need of revamping the whole thing.

This allows it to substantially integrate other projects from multiple blockchains within DeepMine creating a true metaverse economy where different projects exist separately, but at the same time are deeply interconnected enhancing the experience for each one of them. This is truly the case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.