Fruits Eco

Fruits Eco

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Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project
Blockchain For A Better Society
Reaching Beyond Financial Inclusivity
  • 市場
  • LBank
    FRTS/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0001
    $ 123.597 K
  • XT.COM
    FRTS/USDT 1年前
    $ 0.0003
    $ 130.134 K
  • ProBit Global
    FRTS/BTC 1年前
    $ 0.0003
    $ 95.107 K
  • ProBit Global
    FRTS/USDT 1年前
    $ 0.0003
    $ 91.618 K
  • XT.COM
    FRTS/BTC ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0141
    $ 56.224 K
  • Coinsbit
    FRTS/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.9244
    $ 31.832 K
  • Coinsbit
    FRTS/BTC ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.8536
    $ 30.334 K
To be announced

約 Fruits Eco

What is Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project?

Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project provides an eco-friendly blockchain that aims to revitalize global charity together with athletes. It performs a sustainable economic cycle by using a PoC (Proof-of-Capacity) consensus algorithm which results in low power consumption, high security, and high-speed transaction.

About The Current FRTS Token?

Currently, Fruits (FRTS) is based on ERC20 to raise funds, but we are planning a large-scale hard fork which will shift everything over to our original blockchain economy that uses a PoC algorithm. The hard fork is scheduled to start from September 20th, 2021, and it will be done in a way that does not affect users who already have FRTS. In addition, the FRTS wallet is also scheduled to go live on September 15th, 2021.

Other Features of Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project

Due to the 3 features created by the Fruits PoC there is no competition for mining and no need for high-spec mining equipment, which results in the reduction of unnecessary costs and eliminates transaction fees between those who send or receive tokens between the Fruits Wallet.

In addition, our blockchain is also built with multi-layered smart contracts. With the multi-layered smart contracts, we have directly connected people’s consumption to charitable giving. By spending or donating your Fruits coin through the Fruits Wallet, you are given Smile coins (coins specifically for donating), and when you donate with Smile coins, you will receive Fruits Seed Tokens that can be used for different purposes.

With all the above, we hope to create an eco-friendly blockchain economy where “your spending’s leads to another’s savings” and we aim to contribute and actualize the international development goals of the 17 SDGs adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Where Can I Buy Fruits (FRTS)?

FRTS is currently available for trading on multiple exchange including CoinsBit, ProBit Global, XT.COM. All exchanges offer a trading option with either Bitcoin (BTC) or Tether (USDT).


Low Power Consumption

By using a random draw method for mining, it eliminates meaningless time and power

High-Speed Transaction

Characterized by small number of terminals (nodes) participating in transactions related to the mining processing

High Security

Finds the optimum solution by combining encrypted data and is deleted after processing

Fruits Eco チーム

検証済み 0%


Liu Xin Zheng
Chief Executive Officer
Kensuke Yano
Chief Technical Officer
Michelle Liu
Chief Information Officer
Duy To
Technical Development Leader
Trung Tran
Technical Blockchain Leader


検証済み 0%


Qiu Shichang
Chief Technical Advisor

Fruits Eco 最後のニュース

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