
Chicago , United States

約 Fintank

Everything You Need to Know About Blockchain.

Regulation, Trading, Innovation and Opportunities in order to Profit and Prepare for the Future with IBM, Accenture, KPMG, E&Y, The World Bank, Oracle, Argonne National Labs, Barclays, and Northern Trust.


This event will not only look at what blockchain is but will take you into specifics of how leading organizations are using it. The overall approach is Blockchain: From Overview To Application - What Leading Firms Are Doing To Make A Difference -- Case Studies, Lessons Learned, and Future Direction
Join others from; business professionals to innovative startups who are attending and those looking to get into and take advantage of the booming growth in the blockchain area. You will hear from firms that are applying blockchain technology and learn how they are using it to create a competitive advantage.
This is not a pay-to-play event, too often today individuals sign up for an event only to hear commercials and sales pitches. This is not us.


2018/10/19 8:00 , ACST (UTC +9:30)
2018/10/19 17:00 , ACST (UTC +9:30)