F50 Synergy Blockchain Summit

Palo Alto , United States

約 F50 Synergy Blockchain Summit

The Synergy Blockchain Summit, a fusion of traditional venture capital and blockchain investment. Meet VCs, investors, thought leaders, and select entrepreneurs as we learn from industry experts about the future of blockchain investment and Token economy compliance.

The summit will feature over 50 global leaders from the top law firms, CPA’s, and VC’s in the investment ecosystem, along with extraordinary blockchain companies, and 400+ attendees from the venture capital and global investment community, including select VC executives, influential long-term investors, corporate ventures and corporate executives, asset management companies, and a group of high potential local CEOs.


Check-in & Networking
Welcome Remarks by F50
The Everchanging Landscape of Blockchain Legislation

The Blockchain & Crypto Patent Overview

KYC, AML, and Cryptocurrency Regulation

The Legal Compliance of a Security Token

The Rise of the Crypto Hedge Fund Manager 

Venture Capital in a Blockchain Era

Hybrid Investment; the Good, the Bad, and the Unknown

Examining the Requirements for Success in Hybrid Investment

Recognizing top Blockchain VCs and Investors 

The Blockchain Investor's Playbook in 2019 

Emerging Blockchain Startup Presentations

F50 Synergy VIP Reception


2018/06/25 9:00 , PST (UTC -8)
2018/06/25 17:00 , PST (UTC -8)