Elpis Battle

Elpis Battle

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You enlist in Elpis Battle to explore the fantasy world and be instrumental to the in-game economy. All the players will contribute to the game ecosystem through various ways, reap the rewards, and freely trade the awards.
  • 市場
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    EBA/WBNB ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.2072
    $ 173.181 K
To be announced

約 Elpis Battle

Pay-to-win or free-to-play are two common phrases that exist in the traditional game industry. Every year, gamers spend billions of dollars in in-game items and a considerable amount of time playing games, but they do not claim ownership of these assets. In the traditional game industry, in-game items belong to game publishers, who can repossess these assets anytime.

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFT provide a solution for the game industry. Game publishers could produce a game, but players are actual proprietors of it. A concept of play-to-earn is similar to an idea of proof-of-work. The work here comes from playing games and engaging in the game ecosystem, creating values for both players and the product itself. Therefore, the players deserve rewards for their contributions. We find that blockchain will disrupt the game industry in such a way as it did to the financial sector.

Products of ZEGO Studio have served millions of users globally, making ZEGO one of the top game studios in SEA in terms of daily downloads. To achieve this milestone, ZEGO focuses on understanding its customers and meeting their demands. With such extensive experience, we firmly believe that we create a game that fulfills users' needs and turns players into actual possessors of the game.

Elpis Team aims at not only creating an attractive game but:
- Building Elpis Metaverse in which Elpis Battle is the first and foremost cornerstone. The Elpis Team will develop many new games to satisfy needs and desires of different target groups. Still, gameplay, NFT assets, and in-game currency of Elpis Battle are applicable.

- Applying the first DAO governance model for the game industry to strictly bind stakeholders' benefits: the development team, the investors, the players, and the community. Any important decision will be voted to come up with the best option for the community's interest. Simultaneously, accumulated values of the ecosystem will be redistributed to all stakeholders.


  • Q1 2022:

  • Game Release
    Buy-back $MEG Program
    $MEG Liquidity Adding
    Scholarship Function
    NFT Equipment Fair-Launch
  • Q2 2022:

  • Governance
    Battle v2 mechanism
    Equipment Feature
    Raid Boss Event
    Dungeon v2 Event
  • Q3 2022:

  • PvP Mode Phase 1
    Pvp Mode Phase 2
    Guild Manager Tool
    Data Dashboard
  • Q4 2022:

  • Mobile Version
    Social in-game: Profile, Leaderboard, Chat boxes.
    Skill Book
    MEG Stabilize Mechanism
    Pet Feature

Elpis Battle 最後のニュース

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