Dynamite Token

Dynamite Token

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Dynamite Token (DYNMT) is a deflationary token with a % burn rate. This means that, for every 100 tokens transferred, 2 are destroyed forever.
DYNMT was created in July 2019 with a low supply of 900,000 tokens. The idea is that decreasing supply will help to drive demand. In the first year it was listed on 9 key exchanges including Bithumb Global, Hotbit, Mercatox, Bilaxy, SWFT and more. It has attracted over 20,000 Twitter followers and 16,000 Telegram followers.
What also makes this token unique is that it is a community-based token with no funding. It did not run an ICO / IEO and 60% of all tokens will be given to the community for free through airdops, competitions, and use cases etc. All decisions are also made in collaboration with the community.
It is an exciting time for DNYMT as it has just launched its first ever use case, Crypto Critique.
Pre Sale
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし

約 Dynamite Token

Dynamite token is a community
-based experimental project, which was
created as a deflationary currency and produced on the Ethereum
Since DYNMT is a community project, the community will decide how
the DYNMT token will develop.
The information provided about the development of the project is
published monthly by the DYNMT team / as and when required.
The main and unique function of DYNMT token is its deflationary
(burn) nature. This means the total supply decreases with each
transaction. The Dynamite token smart contract is designed to burn 2%
per transfer.
Beyond this, there is currently no use case for DYNMT Token. In
addition, the use cases that can be developed by the community are at
the discretion of the community.
The DYNMT team has no influence on the increase or decrease of the
token value. This is entirely in the hands of the community.
The tokens that are held by the team (you may find this at the top of
website) that have not been distributed yet are kept for future activities
which will be held in line with the demands of the community.

Dynamite Token 最後のニュース

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