Duplicate Finance

Duplicate Finance

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Duplicate Protocol is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol powered by smart contracts on the Ethereum network and enables synthetic assets called dAssets (Duplicate Assets). The dAssets track the price behavior of the real world assets and give traders/investors easy access to price exposure without the burden of owning these assets through a brokerage.
Pre Sale
100% 完成した
0% ゴール 完成した
ゴール 1 500 000.00 USD
10% Seed Round
20% Private Sale Round
1.25% Public Sale Round
30% Liquidity & Staking incentives
3.75% Advisors
15% Marketing & Partnerships
10% Team
10% Ecosystem Growth & Development

約 Duplicate Finance

Led by the CEO Lukas Heimer, the Duplicate team, made up of Stephan Feldt, Lorenzo Biancho, Stefanie Heiss and others has been working tirelessly on the Duplicate protocol since October 2020 and with the help of our seed investors, we believe we have built some truly great products.


What makes Duplicate Protocol unique?

Unlike many other protocols that let people trade basic synthetic assets, the Duplicate team has gone the extra mile and as stated in the roadmap, we will be launching Leveraged Equity dAssets in Q3 2021.
Traders will be able to leverage 3x to 5x and leveraged dAssets will be available only for equities.


Within the Duplicate Protocol, there are five distinct roles known as trader, liquidity provider, staker, minter and oracle feeder. As the name suggests, the trader engages in buying and seling dAssets against UST through Duplicate Exchange and benefits from price exposure via dAssets.

The minter enteres into a collateralized debt position (CDP) to obtain newly minted dAssets. CDP’s accept collateral in UST or dAssets and always maintain a specific ratio above the dAssets minimum (set by governance). You can withdraw your collatreal as long as the CDP’s ratio remains above the minimum. Minters can adjust the CDP’s collateral ratio by burning dAssets or depositing more collateral.

The liquidity provider adds equal amounts of a dAsset and UST to a corresponding Duplicate Exchange pool, increasing liquidity for that market. The staker uses their LP tokens or DUPL assets to earn staking rewards. LP token stakers earn rewards from new DUPL tokens from inflation; DUPL tokens earn staking rewards from CDP withdrawal fees. If you own DUPL assets, you can participate in governance and receive voting power weighted by total assets. LP token can be unstaked at any time, but DUPL tokens can only be unstaked when they are not used to represent a vote on a pending governance poll.

Lastly, the oracle feeder is a Chainlink oracle responsible for providing an accurate and up-to-date price feed for a specific dAsset. It is the only party that is permitted to update the registered reported price of the asset.

There are no admin keys with privileged access. After the initial bootstrapping of contracts, the Gov contract is set to be the Duplicate Protocol contract owner, and all changes must be made through the governance with the procedure defined in this section. The DUPL asset serves as the governance asset, and as mentioned above, only users with staked DUPL can participate in voting. Voting is done through polls, which are the new governance proposals in Duplicate.

Any user can create a poll by paying an initial deposit of DUPL tokens. If the poll then fails to pass the minimum votes needed, the DUPL deposit is given to DUPL stakers and distributed proportionally according to their relative stake.
Once submitted, a poll can be voted on by the community until its voting period has concluded. When the poll passes quorum and threshold conditions, it is ratified and automatically applied.

Duplicate Finance チーム

検証済み 0%


Lukas Heimer
Stephan Feldt
Lead Developer
Lorenzo Biancho
Operations Lead
Stefanie Heiss
Community Manager

Duplicate Finance 最後のニュース

5.0 20
DeFi プロフィール ビジョン アクティビティ 潜在的な 製品 チーム
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