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約 Discreet

Discreetis the future.Imagine a scalable, programmable, and fully decentralized network operating at ludicrous speed.Welcome to Discreet. We’ve combined the most innovative technologies of the past decade into one incredible project.


We know trust is hard to come by in an industry filled with big promises and bigger scams. We believe in the power of what we’re building, and we want you to believe in it too.

What Powers Discreet 

Discreet is comprised of a number of revolutionary technologies that make our privacy features, security, and speed second-to-none.Take a deeper look into what makes Discreet tick



Discreet is more than the sum of its parts, but its parts are pretty impressive…


Discreet is a DAG, not a blockchain, so we’re capable of unprecedented speed — up to 100,000 transactions per second.

Fair Mining

Fair mining is a cornerstone of the Discreet project. No power-hungry or expensive GPUs required!

Anonymous Contracts

Discript makes anonymous smart contracts possible. They’re more like really, really smart contracts.


Power to the People. Privacy is a fundamental human right that Discreet wants to protect and preserve through technology and advanced mathematics. Anonymity

An important feature in any decentralized network is privacy.

Cryptocurrencies like Monero achieve this by providing 1) anonymity and 2) confidentiality. While the latter of which can be protected in a number of ways, the former — anonymity — is not only tricky, but of great interest in cryptography. A number of solutions to anonymity in cryptocurrency have appeared in the last decade. However, the best technology used for a cryptocurrency to date is Monero's CLSAGs. In short, these are a special type of signature to a cryptocurrency transaction where the true identity of the cryptocurrency owner is hidden among many others. Unfortunately, as the number of individuals used to hide the owner grows, so does the size of the transaction and the time to verify it. Because of this, Monero specifies users will hide one owner among 10 others in their transactions.

With so much innovation across blockchain and cryptography, why settle for less speed or less privacy? Discreet reduces verification time, decreases transaction sizes, and increases anonymity six times, hiding spenders among 63 others. All this will power the most secure and private blockchain to date. Consensus

The cornerstone of a blockchain is often its consensus mechanism.

The power and limitations of how a blockchain achieves consensus determine how well a blockchain can scale and how fast it can serve its users. Thus, the choice of consensus can be tricky for blockchain developers.

This is not the case for Discreet.

Aleph is a powerful generic consensus mechanism which achieves over one hundred thousand transactions per second (TPS) with an average transaction time of five seconds. It operates using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) to order blocks and the transactions in the Discreet network. At the core of it is a mechanism for achieving fair randomness, a necessary tool for all consensus algorithms. The algorithm has been peer-reviewed by many, including the Discreet team, and has seen numerous tests. Programmability

Programmability in blockchain means the ability to do complex things on and with a blockchain.

To perform complex tasks such as lending, auctions, exchanges, on-chain gambling, e-voting, and many other things requires blockchain programming. Essentially, programmability is a necessary component to unlocking blockchain's full potential.

Discreet provides this with the Discreet Compute Network (DCN), an auxiliary decentralized network dedicated to executing smart contracts. Special nodes called Trustless Autonomous Compute Nodes (TACNs) provide secure computational power to the DCN and can receive rewards for their efforts. At the core of all this is the execution environment where smart contracts live: the Discreet Virtual Machine, or DVM.

Using Aleph, Discreet blockchains can scale to meet the demands of a global value transfer system.

Visa reports it can process sixty-five thousand transactions per second, meaning Discreet easily achieves global scalability Interoperability

Paranets are adopted from the concepts behind Polkadot's parachain. However, they improve the original idea by taking them down to layer zero, the network layer of a blockchain.

In this model, parallel decentralized networks work together to provide universal tools for blockchain developers at many different levels.

Paranets came about from the relationship between Discreet's superior consensus network and compute network. By abstracting a network service, as long as the network achieves consensus, it can operate alongside and with the main Discreet network. They also specify how decentralized applications running on their own blockchains can work alongside Discreet interoperably. This is a paradigm shift from focus on blockchain to focus on networks, and is necessary for universality and scalability.

With Paranets, users can define dApps on their own Discreet blockchains, or extend existing blockchains to work with Discreet. Additionally, services such as IPFS, DEX, Oracles, and much more can be codified as Paranets in the Discreet ecosystem. They are a fundamental building block towards Discreet's success

Discreet チーム

検証済み 0%


Henrik Pihl Hornslie...
Core Developer/Researcher
Shashank Mahajan
Front-End Developer
Ricki Funk Jørgensen
Core Developer
Pascal Holm
Brand/Design Specialist
Frederik Markor
Brandon Koerner
Co-founder/Lead Developer
Fraser Tingle
Communications Consultant

Discreet 最後のニュース

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