デビットは3年以上の間、オルタナティブファイナンスの既存事業です。中小企業にとっては、世界的に1兆5,000億ドル以上の信用格差があります。私たちは、新たな生態系 - デビット・ネットワーク - を創り出すことによって、これを混乱させ革命を起こさせたいと考えています。中小企業向けのエンドツーエンドのファイナンスループを完成させるために、さまざまなプレーヤー(投資家、リスクアセスメント担当者、書類バリデーター、保険会社など)に加わるブロックチェーンと信頼に基づくエコシステムです。
- 暗号は、借り手や投資家が生態系(リスク評価、債務回収など)でサービスを購入するために使用されます。
- 金利に含まれる金利やその他の費用。
- フィート、無利息
- 通常のレガシー・アカウンティング
- ファイトにおけるディール・クロージャー
- ディール・トラック・トレース
2015 – Q2 2017 - Start of the company
2015 - Q2 2017 - 会社の設立
Q3 2017 - 概念の証明を作成する
Q4 2017 - Crowdsale経由の資金調達
Q1-Q3 2018 - 建物のデビットネットワーク1.0
Q4 2018 - デビットネットワーク1.0
Basically, Debitum shows some promise despite having competition within the field. Additionally, it does assist SMEs through the use of Ethereum’s open network, AI technology, through smart contracts.
If you’re a small business trying to obtain support for company growth, feel free to give Debitum a look!
SME Assistance: Debitum helps small businesses obtain funding in a safe and decentralized manner.
Smart Contract Protection: The smart contracts are used for each transaction and can spot which user is using it for negligent activity.
Efficient Team: With over 5+ leading members and 10 advisors onboard, Debitum is dedicated to helping this project reach its completion.
Funding Quality: How will Debitum ensure that lenders are assisting their borrowers within their network?
Competitors: There is another ICO named Salt that targets the same SME market. We will have to see which one obtains the most market share in upcoming years.
Token Usage: How does the ICO plan to use its tokens when conflicts need to be resolved? While the token is useful, we would like to see further explanation on how its used to fix issues.
The Debitum Network is an extremely well-constructed initial coin offering that is backed by a number of large, established financial and IT firms, and is definitely worth strong consideration as a solid investment.
Debitum is striving hard to develop a decentralized and trusted environment for SMEs. They want to create a solution that removes the interference of highly regulated third parties by connecting borrowers, investors, and service providers in the most trustworthy and effective space. The DEB tokens act as fuel for the network and are used by different counterparties for doing payments. If you also want to contribute to the development of this project, you can participate in its ICO and also enjoy bonus benefits.
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