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DAST Chain - Decentralized Advanced Scaling Throughput Blockchain powered by eDST
100% 完成した
$287 000
28% ゴール 完成した
ゴール 1 000 000.00 USD
キャップ 10 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 EDST
    0.2 USD
United Kingdom
MVP /プロトタイプ


DAST is a decentralized services platform using complex technology and simple ideas to empower developers, businesses and common people on our way to blockchain technology mass adoption. There have been several problems on one chain or another defined as “low speed”, “lack of scalability”, “low security” and others. The actual problem is a combination of them all. And the solution is simple. Basic math combined with logic and a couple of simple ideas to reach a secure, scalable and fast CPoS (Combined Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism with insignificant possibility of misbehavior or error. This won’t guarantee mass adoption, but hybrid smart contracts and services that make the chain wanted and usable for most people will. So DAST CHAIN is not only a decentralized services platform, but also adds services required for mass adoption, in a package deal. In 2017, after extensive experience in network infrastructure, web development, programming and affiliate marketing, I started thinking about the idea of DAST. At that time, DAST stood for Digital Advertising and Services Token. As the acronym says, DAST was supposed to be a token on ERC20 for advertising and services (tracking, fraud detection, smart contracts for advertisers and affiliates and more). The problem was that ERC20 could not support high throughput apps because of the low TPS and high gas fees. So ERC20 was out. I tried multiple other chains but none could satisfy my project’s requirements. That is when I started development of DAST CHAIN to be a secure, fast and highly scalable network to support the high throughput myself and others needed. I studied and combined the best solutions with some innovation and improvement to create a high efficiency Decentralized Architecture for Scalable Throughput and achieved breakthroughs on: - Fast and secure consensus - Huge throughput - Multiple services support - Native transfers between chains using physical links and no middlemen - Hybrid smart contracts that accept outside data from secure sources


Transaction speed - DAST’s consensus and architecture plus routed sidechains and payment channels allow speeds like never before.

Interoperability (L1 and L2) - DABridge allows DAST CHAIN L1 to L2 and L1 to L1 interoperability between chains and almost instant any to EDST.

Micropayments and NFC - Instant crypto-fiat conversion and routed payment channels, suitable also for the M2M economy and large scale IoT.

DABridge - Noncustodial, two-way, decentralized, permissionless, smart new sidechains.

Security - Highest level of security, including double validation on DABridge transactions.

Web3.0 - Blockchain content permissions, blockchain hosting, no central point of control, no more DoS.


WebMarketing on DAST

The new smart - Smart smart contracts that count valid clicks/leads and pay the publisher.

Fraud detection - Fraud detection at it’s best, tracking everything including click neighbors.

Transparent - Advertiser pays only for valid actions and publisher is certain he gets paid for every action.

Blacklist - Blockchain tracked interest based location and source blacklist.


DAST architecture is based on a combined consensus algorithm and a scalable architecture without the use of sharding to ensure highest speeds without any loss in security.

The backend of the network consists of nodes that can be builders, validators and witnesses. All the nodes are randomly selected each session for a task, so any node can be a builder, validator or witness, depending on the session label it receives.

To ensure the highest level of security, a minimum of 143 nodes are required to be active at all times. This will allow an unbreakable pool of nodes to choose from for the current session, and will also allow idle nodes to exchange validated block hash and headers, keeping an index of blocks, positions and locations.

The network also consists of 23 servers that are used for frontend, services, aggregation, hooks, data, leverage, atomic routes, messaging routes.

The servers use DAST Chain technology to interact with DAST Chain, but are not part of the network and do not influence the node network in any way. They are a data aggregator and convertor, to prepare blockchain data for usage and to make it readable.

Data in the DAST Chain is stored in multiple outer/inner index versioned and timestamped databases that sync across the nodes and a versioned indexes database that holds all indexes and is replicating on all existing nodes.

OIIVT databases replicate on block generation on the nodes that hold governance for the current session, and replicate to all the other nodes on Idle Time Notification (ITN).

Replication on ITN ensures resource planning stability and does not interfere with current session block generation, thus decreasing the systems load and used resources.

ITN is a timeframe notification sent by idle nodes. Nodes and their resources are used for block generation only when selected for governance.

VI database has a version number consisting of an unsigned 64-bit integer. At each version i, the database contains (iSi, Si, Ii) representing initial ledger state iS, last ledger state S and index id I.

Validators can respond to client queries about the ledger history at both current and previous versions and can query a ledger state.

DAST Chain uses the DAST Protocol. A set of links between VI, OIIVT and event blocks form a DAG based on the DAST Protocol. Event blocks contain information on session events, index IDs of previous events and timestamps.

Current RPoS (Reputation Proof of Stake) tagged node can manipulate the VI and arrange indexes based on timestamps.

Witnesses and validators check for authentication on events and for identical transactions. If identical transactions are detected, the one with the smallest timestamp is validated. Event order is arranged by builders.

Also, current RPoS tagged nodes can generate new sidechannels or payment channels, depending on the user’s request.

Sidechannels and payment channels handle multiple transactions before adding the final result to the main blockchain. They are tagged depending on their usage and consensus template for each sidechain and payment channel is applied reading the same tag smart contract.


  • 2017

  • June 2017
    The DAST ideea is born. At that time DAST stood for Digital Advertising and Services Token.
    September 2017
    After extensive research we concluded that there are no blockchain networks that can handle the number of transactions and transaction speed required by advertising so we started development of DAST CHAIN
  • 2018

  • December 2018
    First set of real tests are executed. The results are not satisfactory so there are major changes done in development and also utility. Development methodology changed from Waterfall to Agile.
  • 2019

  • November 2019
    Alpha release with successful testing done. Starting utility sketch and minimum infrastructure requirements estimation, aquisition and implementation.
  • 2020

  • December 2020
    Alpha 2 modular release on new infrastructure and scalability testing.
  • 続きを読む
  • 2021

  • May 2021
    Performed Closed Beta testing and launched a private sale campaign.
    December 2021
    - Public website launch and presale campaign.
  • 2022

  • S1 2022
    Lauch dast.finance
    Beta testing dast.exchange
    S2 2022
    TRUSS Utility App launch
    Exchange listing
    DAST CHAIN source code on Github
    Open beta testing
    DAST CHAIN Hackathon
  • 2023

  • S1 2023
    adaz.cloud launch
    TRUSS NFC capability
    Dast.dev launch
    MAIN NET final
    Dast.exchange DEx final
    S2 2023
    Dast.host launch
    Dast.online launch
  • 2024

  • S1 2024
    Dast.systems launch
    Dast.digital launch
    S2 2024
    Global Digital Marketplace
    Concierge service for GDM
  • 2025

  • S1 2025
    SDKs available on dast.dev for every use case presented.


検証済み 50%


Liviu Epure
Founder and developer


$287 000

Cosmin Emanuel Vranc...
CTO and Business Development


Liviu Epure
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the founder and main developer of DAST CHAIN. This includes DAST CHAIN network infrastructure and software development.
What do you think about idea?
It was and is my ideea so i think it will be a huge addition to the blockchain ecosystem and blockchain business.

DAST CHAIN 最後のニュース

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