決済業界のベテランによって開発されたCOTIは、従来の決済システムと最高のブロックチェーン技術を組み合わせて、最も速く、最も簡単で、費用効果が高く、最も信頼できる支払い方法を提供します。 COTIは母国通貨のトークンセールを開催します。詳しくは、概要ドキュメント&nbsp;&nbsp; テクニカルホワイトペーパー< / a>。
検証済み 0%
This is a commercial project that needs strong execution to realise. The team is strong. Market will be tough. Interesting choice of blockchain. Will follow to see measured progress.
Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: B
There were various pools with different bonuses/lock up terms offering COTI. The private sale had been ongoing for a few months. Therefore, we don’t think there would be much unmet demand following listing of the tokens.
For long-term holding: C
There are a lot of DAG projects out there recently. COTI doesn’t seem have much differentiation in our opinion.
We believe the derivative hedging service is bad user experience for merchants. The vast majority of them are not familiar with this complicated financial concept, so it is going to be very difficult to educate them and get them to actually use the hedging feature.
For people who are interested in a new way to conduct transactions, COTI is the right ICO for that. In conclusion, its development process is uncertain, but if their team follows the roadmap, it might be of great value.
Mediation System: If there is a transaction dispute, COTI’s mediation system will assist by adding backup to the platform’s trust engine.
Team: COTI’s team is based in Canada, and they are all passionate about finishing the project from start to finish.
Payment Security: Through the use of smart contracts and its reputation system, COTI helps users conduct trades without having a fear of any negative issues occurring.
Lack of Token Sale Information: While this is a good project, we hope that COTI would release their token sale information. This would help users who are interested in their project and increase their credibility.
Competition: COTI’s development would place it in direct competition with other
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このトークン販売の性質、妥当性または合法性について懸念がある場合は、 info@icoholder.com までご連絡ください。あなたの懸念事項に関する詳細情報と一緒に。 p> div>