Wagyu Lab

Wagyu Lab

“Wagyu” is the finest beef that has been accepted all over the world

約 Wagyu Lab

“Lab” comes from the word collaboration that is the strength of doing business

We select only quality things for every project that comes to work with us. It’s like serving good food on the dining table

This is a company founded from a collaboration between Thai influencers

who want to develop blockchain technology into a mass adoption. Through experience and expertise in the field of blockchain business and marketing consulting.

We are more than just an agency.

But we can help you come up with a business idea that can lead to success in the world of blockchain.


Mr. Nut Joongwong
CEO/Co founder
Mr. Koravit Narongka...
Co founder
Mr. Jiraboon Narkton...
Co founder
Mr. Chumpol Wongmati...
Co founder
Mr. Kittithat Bencha...
Co founder
Mr. Phreeaphat Pechd...
Co founder
