Sorted Wallet

Sorted Wallet

The first & only crypto wallet for feature phones on a mission to enable financial inclusion - crypto for everyone.

約 Sorted Wallet

Sorted Wallet is on a mission to revolutionize the way individuals access, manage, and grow their crypto assets in emerging markets—driving global financial inclusion like never before. Individuals all over the world are harnessing the power of boarder-less solutions built on blockchain technology to manage their finances. At Sorted Wallet, we believe that everyone deserves equal access to the benefits of the decentralised economy, including people in emerging markets.

We built Sorted Wallet to break down barriers and open doors to new possibilities. We are proud to offer a feature phone-compatible crypto solution, ensuring that individuals in emerging markets and underserved communities can get access to financial tools and services. We are now inviting visionary partners, investors, and collaborators to join us on this exhilarating journey towards financial inclusion. Together, we can empower millions, democratize access to crypto assets, and reshape the global financial landscape. Whether you're a strategic investor, a forward-thinking institution, or a passionate individual looking to contribute your expertise, Sorted Wallet welcomes you to be a part of our mission. Let's create a more inclusive and prosperous world, one wallet at a time.
