Sense chat

Sense chat

Connect securely through the blockchain, to anyone in the world, without sharing your identity (unless you want to).

約 Sense chat

Based and built in Los Angeles, California, SENSE is the first decentralized messaging protocol with smart connections and contacts. The SENSE messaging protocol enables existing centralized applications and future decentralized app (DApp) developers to leverage the data they create to earn tokens.

Introducing the first decentralized messaging platform with smart connections and contacts, powered by the SENSE Network running on the Ethereum and EOS blockchains.




Ben Sigman
1A Kurt Kumar
Rebecca Borrego
Global Events & PR
John Schenk Mba Cpa
Eyal Toledano
Full Stack Growth Leader
Scott Dudelson
Entrepreneur, Investor, Photojournalist, Dude
Ariel Jalali
CEO, CTO, Entrepreneur
Crystal Rose
CEO, Sensay | SENSE ⚡️
Angel Jose
Shaili Jalali
Zac Harding
Director of Marketing at Sense