OTPPAY is the Omni Token Platform for Payments Platform, a Blockchain paper wallet (buy / sell | exchange and pay). OTPPAY will become the world's largest platform in which all major cryptoactive assets can be bought, sold, and even make payments to merchants with a low commission instantly or on a deposit basis.
The pain point of cryptographic transformation by the merchant of the bridge. Yes, thanks to our innovative artificial intelligence and mechanical learning based on the mechanisms for coordinating orders and transactions, it converts any cryptocurrency into OTPPAY tokens and OTPPAY tokens to determine the exact currency. OTPPAY is a unique payment platform that will be able to use your favorite cryptocurrency to instantly pay for suppliers / merchants.
We provide suppliers with the security and convenience of receiving funds in foreign currency. They can even change the main payment method from any cryptocurrency to OTPPAY tokens or instant currency, thus protecting them from the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Our security system OTPPAY will be developed using traditional fiat currency security standards and the latest lock technology. We will act as a catalyst for timely cross-border e-commerce and business transactions, which will reduce the dependence of foreign currency. Our solution will immediately disrupt the foreign exchange market / cross-border financial market.