

Blockchain empowered applications.

約 Nodefactory

We are a development agency that can provide adoption, integration and realization of decentralized applications (DApps).

Node Factory is a committed to developing new technologies and leveraging them to make better applications worldwide. See what we can do for you. We write maintanable smart contracts on any supported distributed networks. We can help you create your token & setup your crowdfunding campaign hassle-free.Programming smart contracts on blockchain can sometimes be harder then we are used to when compared with other programming languages, especially because there are not many tools which we can help us in the process. Below you…If you are a blockchain developer or becoming one then you have probably heard of the Ethereum-Swiss-Knife framework called Truffle. Ethereum is in it’s early stages and doesn’t have many advanced tools like you got used to in regular…


Belma Gutlic
Team member
Marin Petrunik
Team member
Mak Muftic
Team member