

KuboCoin is a payment processing system for effortless transfer of crypto funds into fiat or other crypto assets. To keep our tradition of transparency alive within our crypto communities, we ensured that we obtained KYD verification. Trust, honesty, and transparency explain the character of KUBO. Along with the implementation of crypto debit cards to simplify the end users experience of payment within the KUBO ecosystem, KUBO will also be implemented into an ATM network and support system. The point of sale terminal will be given through a mobile payment application provided by our partner, Aeryus. This will give you the opportunity to exchange KUBO for other crypto assets or buy/sell directly into fiat currencies.

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Our actions tell the world what Kubo is and what we stand for. We act ethically and responsibly in everything we do and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We bring respect and honesty to our investors and our business partners and we strive to support the security and well-being of the entire Kubo community at all times. We treat all those we encounter with kindness and compassion and constantly strive to better understand and respond to the needs of our diverse community. The Kubo team has been and will continue to be completely open and honest with our community. The teams wallet information and the purpose for the funds that they hold is publically shared with the community. Our team is always happy to answer questions about the plans and progression of the Kubo project as well as inquiries about the team that is working so hard to make Kubo one of the most prominent and prestigious successes that cryptocurrency investors have seen thus far. When it comes to Kubo, only the best will do. As a team, we are working to create and engage in meaningful alliances to enhance access to services and technology that will assist in the development of new pathways to help pave the way for global adoption of digital currencies. The Kubo team works cohesively with each other to bring experience, knowledge, and advancing technology to the forefront in order to provide our community with the highest quality project and product possible. We devote ourselves to continuous improvement, excellence, professionalism and innovation in our work.

Since 13 March 2019 Kubo is officially Verisafe approved. But what is Verisafe? VeriSafe will be the standard for scam prevention and investor protection in the blockchain industry. The VeriSafe platform will host only the highest quality ICOs, PCOs, and established projects, requiring the projects adhere to VeriSafe’s strict transparency model. Every project must go through a rigorous vetting process designed to help protect investors and provide projects with the tools needed to succeed. The VeriSafe platform will provide templated tokens for projects from various blockchain networks like TRON, NEM, Ether Classic, Stellar, Cardano, NEO, Waves, and EOS, with more options being added in the future. VeriSafe-designed Smart Contracts will ensure that funds are being used appropriately and aid in the prevention of scams. VeriSafe will add a new level of comfort to cryptocurrency and eliminate the untrustworthy businesses that continue to flood the industry. In addition, the VeriSafe platform will enable access to our rated, and VeriSafe-approved crowdsourced Human Resources, allowing companies ease of access to build a well-rounded team


Fernando Nunez
Founder and CEO
Daniel Vasquez
Chief Operating Officer
Jillian Carroll
Chief Marketing Officer
Conrad Lovett
Chief Administrative Officer
Curt Yoder
Community Manager
Ingwer Luken
Digital Team Manager
Jacob Melendez
Editior Chief/Store Manager
Victor Ong
Digital Content Creator
Digital Content (Junior)
Peter Leszek
KUBO Advisor
Dennis Vd Akker
Social Media Moderator
Social Media Moderator
Social Media Moderator