

Play 2 Earn Financial Games. Investing, Trading, Lottery, Market Predictions.

約 FxBox.io

Fairly organized P2E GameFi project. Staking & Farming, Mining Currency NFTs, Marketplace NFTs, Decentralized Lottery, Trading from $1, Leverage 1:100 up to 1:1000.

Make Money, NFTs
Stake, Mine, Buy/Sell, Yield Farming, Swap. FxBox is revolutionising the GameFi space by gamifying Investing and Financial Trading.

How 2 Earn, Forex
Mine tokens FXB, Buy/Sell, Investing, Currencies Trading, USD and FXB accounts from $1, Decentralized Lottery, Oracle Prediction Markets GameFi.

Investing to Mining NFTs
Buy NFTs and stake in mining pool. Earn money online every second! More Mining Power (MP) will bring more revenue.
NFT Currencies provide passive income to YOU as an FXBOX investor. Not only can you trade or stake but you can also mine with passive FXB flowing into your wallet every second with NO WORK required. This mining income is in the form of the FXB token.