DC Finance

DC Finance

DC Finance’s Global Family Office and High Net Worth Individual Community (www.dc-finance.com) builds an international network of high net worth individuals, family offices, and investors for mutual growth and support through first tier events worldwide.

約 DC Finance

Founded in 2003, DC Finance is a leading global network of family offices & high net worth individuals. Since its inception, DC have attracted the upper most echelon of high profile and high net worth individuals to our worldwide events, online and in person.

DC's in-person conferences and private dinners take place annually in the cities of NYC, Houston, Dallas, Miami, Chicago, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, London, Tel Aviv, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. DC's online Family Office sessions and conferences have become a must-attend events for investors looking at the best investment opportunities and for families seeking information in almost any field that affects their lives - from philanthropy to estate planning and from technology to co-investing and Arts.

With a current membership of 2,000 families around the world, DC's community represents a combined $500 billion of investing power. In Israel, tied in directly to the institutional investment community valued at over $1 trillion in investing power, DC Finance holds the largest conference in this space.

The world's most powerful individuals and families lean on DC Finance to expand and strengthen their investing network, allowing us to align their interests with investments around the world.

Our ability to partner our members with worthy investments has turned us into a world-class matchmaker for companies deserving of capital injections, as well as the guidance from these proven individuals. We regularly arrange our members to participate in cutting-edge panel discussions with world-class and highly-recognized keynote speakers.
