

Making Bitcoin Smart. Imagine if Bitcoin could talk to other blockchains, make deals and execute contracts without ever leaving the main network. That's Bel2. BeL2 provides a completely decentralized clearing network service for native BTC DeFi.

約 BeL2

Making Bitcoin Smart.

Imagine if Bitcoin could talk to other blockchains, make deals and execute contracts without ever leaving the main network. That's Bel2. BeL2 provides a completely decentralized clearing network service for native BTC DeFi.

Bitcoin as the settlement layer

All Bitcoin related settlement has to be settled on Bitcoin mainnet for security concerns. BeL2’s light client verification solution and ZK Bitcoin full node plays as the infrastructure.

Other chains as execution layers

Messages, rather than assets, are transmitted across chains. Smart contracts on turing-complete chains can easily verify these ZKP's thus perform complicate tasks and logic.

zkBTC full nodes and arbitor network

Decentralized and collateralised nodes facilitate time-based execution. BeL2 will enable an ordinary mobile phone to run a zk BTC full node. One wont need to rely on a 3rd party to confirm a Bitcoin tx. Everyone can verify by themselves.