BCube Analytics Inc.

BCube Analytics Inc.

BCube Analytics Audit Manager helps to transform audits from point-in-time service to a real-time assurance model.

約 BCube Analytics Inc.

BCube Analytics Audit Manager is a secure, cloud-based SaaS solution to remotely manage any kind of audit - operational or financial, by collaborating with any auditor - internal or external, eliminate redundant, labor-intensive manual processes & transition to real-time assurance model.
Audits and assurance functions cannot be efficient without a collaboration between audit firms & their clients. Both parties have internal solutions to manage their distinct audit processes. But they rely on emails & document sharing tools with manual processes to communicate & collaborate during audit. Many firms have to work with multiple auditors and need to have an army of professionals to manually collect data for periodic reporting to the Chief Risk Officer & the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
This is exactly why the Audit Manager is a must have solution. It enables auditors to work with all their clients using a simple process. They can issue, track and manage findings.
All stakeholders in an organization using the Audit Manager can directly communicate securely within the portal with role based access controls and simple workflows for the entire audit lifecycle. Users can digitally communicate and exchange any type of data & documents including multimedia and AR/VR technologies to enable remote audit and compliance.
Utilize our growing library of regulations from over 60 agencies and integrated private libraries of your policies and procedures for traceability.
The onboarding process includes initial configuration, support for data uploads, web-based training and online ticket based support. Adopt BCube today to save millions of dollars annually and modernize your audit and compliance.
BCube Analytics is a MassChallenge Rhode Island 2020 finalist, TiE Boston ScaleUp Accelerator Cohort 6 and one of the eForAll Southcoast's first cohort companies.
