Cogito Protocol

Cogito Protocol

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Cogito provides a framework to create tracercoins, which is a new class of assets that range from low volatility stablecoins to medium volatility growth assets - this helps to attract a diverse, global investor base with a low to medium risk appetite.
資金調達 - データなし

約 Cogito Protocol

Cogito Protocol offers a "stablecoin-as-a-service" framework to create digital assets with low volatility called “tracercoins” such that they act as complements to existing crypto stablecoin landscapes. The tracercoins maintain their stability not by seeking explicit correlation to one or more specific fiat currencies or commodities, but instead via soft-pegging to non-financial indices that represent progress along various developmental fronts, e.g. environmental progress, technological progress etc. The indices are constructed from a large series of macro data, which are strongly resistant to manipulation, fluctuate moderately, and reflect the genuine progress of humanity. Since manipulating the value of these indicators would require Herculean resources and efforts, these tracercoins can provide fair and independent measures of value, which in a fundamental sense are more effective than any available alternatives.

Initially, a Green Coin (or GCOIN) will be launched to trace a green index that measures the positive progress towards a net-zero economy. GCOIN can be considered a new form of stablecoins, which is designed for low volatility and is independent from fiat currencies. The GCOIN, along with future coins in the Cogito tracercoin family, will be regulated by the native ecosystem token: the CGV token, which is used for both governance and supporting the algorithmic stabilization mechanisms.

The Cogito Protocol aims to develop different products for usage across decentralized finance (DeFi) and conventional businesses. Different Cogito tokens may have different quantitative and qualitative properties but there will also be a common set of features. Users will always be able to trade the tracercoins within specific boundary values (the indices' boundaries). Classic cryptocurrency use cases such as storage of value and payments can be more effectively fulfilled by Cogito tracercoins than by traditional cryptocurrencies, with their excessive volatility, or by traditional stablecoins with their frustrating and unnecessary fiat dependency.

While algorithmic stabilization methods (both AI based and traditional) are key to Cogito’s operation, they will not be relied on exclusively. A risk-weighted reserve will back the protocol to ensure that the stable assets can be redeemed under all circumstances, thus avoiding many of the problems associated with pure algorithmic stabilization. The reserve will contain both liquid and illiquid components and will be managed by Cogito’s Algorithmic Stabilization Protocol (ASP) through a mix of AI techniques defined by the Autonomous Stabilization Functions (ASF). The programmed rules adjust the risk-weighted reserve and update minting and burning parameters and other mechanisms to make sure the reserve is sufficient to stabilize the tracercoins.

Cogito Protocol チーム

検証済み 0%


S Pin
Chief Marketing Officer
Nejc Znidar
Quantitative Analyst
Cloris Chen
Chief Executive Officer


$36 000 000

Ben Goertzel
Chief Scientist Officer
Janet Adams
Chief Operating Officer
Tony Zhu
VP of Engineering

Cogito Protocol 最後のニュース

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