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Domain Trading Made Simple
20 Feb - 22 Feb
100% 完成した
$1 600 000
695% ゴール 完成した
ゴール 230 000.00 USD
キャップ 114 000.00 USD
硬質キャップ 228 000.00 USD
  • 1 CNAME
    0.06 USD
MVP /プロトタイプ

約 Cloudname

Cloudname is an innovative platform for online domain trading.
Discover the world of Cloudname and
everything you didn’t know about domain trading.
Start investing and create your domain portfolio.

What is domain Trading?

Ever thought of investing in the value of a word, an emoji, or a combination of them?
Thanks to Cloudname you can do it easily and with the right tools!
Start investing now and you’ll be able to live track the value of the domains you acquire.
Buy and sell domains based on latest news, market trends or simply on your intuition.


At the beginning
Was the wwword.

Cloudname is the pioneer of a world of digital, investment, and innovation.
A contemporary blend that wants to change the approach to online investing forever
becoming a one-of-a-kind in the sector.

Investing in domains means giving words an economic value
it means taking advantage of a new and unconventional business opportunity
it means becoming part of a change.

Create your domain portfolio on Cloudname.
Start by purchasing domains that are already high-profile
 While keeping an eye on the future, going beyond space and time
and investing in domains that could become popular.




Through the Tokenisation feature, The user can create multiple non-fungible tokens in just a few clicks allowing for the domain fractionalization. For example: If the value of your domain is $100.000, you could create 100 tokens of $1.000 and sell your domain more easily. If the domain acquires even more value over time, all those who have purchased the tokens will reap a profit!



You registered a valuable domain name but you won’t sell it cheaply? With Cloudname you can offer it for rent so that everyday users will be able to afford it without the need to buy it!
You found the best domain name for your business but it’s already taken and very expensive to buy? With Cloudname you can directly contact the owner and rent it!


Personal Portfolio

Cloudname gives you the possibility to create a domain portfolio in a simple and intuitive way, helping you to actively manage your investments in order to achieve the best performance. Within your cloudname portfolio you will find your domains diversified by type, budget and earning potential.

Trend Spotting

Cloundame helps you to spot potential trends and valuable domains to invest in for increasing your return on investment as much as possible.


  • Beta version

  • Released on January 2022

Cloudname チーム

検証済み 100%

Siful Moni
Head of Domain & Market
Davide Vicini
CEO & Co-founder
Manuel Vanzetta
COO & Co-founder


$41 857 067

Francesco Andreoli
Data Officer & Co-founder
Federico Costa
Mattia Martone
Marketing Manager
Leonardo Saulle
Social Media Manager
Patrick Gastaldon
Head of Design
Matthias Kiefer
Jr. Marketing Associate

Cloudname インタビュー

Siful Moni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Head of Domains. The project is based on trading premium domains and fractional ownership of premium domain. I am on the role of domain management, valuation and take care of the domain market update.
What do you think about idea?
This is the first time cloudname make this possible to own a premium domains with a little investment
Davide Vicini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO and co-founder of

Cloudname came alive from our appetite in domain name trading and from the need of having a much more developed playground!
What do you think about idea?
Cloudname is the first platform to fractionalise slide domain name via tokens, to buy and trade domains via metamask and conserve NFT certification. On top also you estimate exact pricing and future trend. Manage you domain investment, grow your portfolio value. Invest in the true DIGITAL ASSETS : Domains !
Manuel Vanzetta
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a Chief Operating Officer, I follow all the processes and developments in different areas, from strategy and new opportunities, investor relations, business development, operations, and more.
What do you think about idea?
Cloudname is the platform that is going to revolutionize the domain industry forever, thanks to its one-stop-shop platform and its unique features.
Francesco Andreoli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Cloudname is an innovative platform that uses NFTs to allow anyone to tokenize/trade domains in real-time
What do you think about idea?
Beyond easy access to elite domain assets, domain fractionalization can:

Expand the domain market: fractionalization tends to increase retail participation — as seen in the stock market over the last two years. A 2021 Boston Consulting Group report valued the secondary market for domain trading at roughly $2 billion. That figure would most certainly grow as new investors enter the space.

Liquidity: Blockchain tokenization can also alleviate the liquidity bottlenecks that domainers currently face, thanks to the introduction of fresh capital and the possibility to trade domain tokens or NFTs in real-time.
Federico Costa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CTO of Cloudname.
I coordinate & define the development of all the Cloudname platform and upcoming features.
From the early stages I have entered in this amazing project understanding what the team was dreaming and start to support them designing the platform. The development of each feature is followed by a feedback analysis from our amazing community which is so much helpful to achieve the success of this amazing project.
What do you think about idea?
Cloudname is game-changing in an industry where are emerging new tech like blockchain & nft domains. Thanks to tokenization of traditional domains and a mixed marketplace between traditional and crypto domains, domains holder can sell better their domains.
Moreover Cloudname brings features like analytics and price predictions bringing new value to the market.
Mattia Martone
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Marketing Manager of Cloudname, in charge of marketing strategy and actions. My aim is to make Cloudname grow in the market.
What do you think about idea?
Cloudname is a huge opportunity for all kind of crypto and non crypto investors. Just think that .com market alone is worth over $200Bn
Leonardo Saulle
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the Social Media Manager of Cloudname. In addition, as a data analyst, my role is to monitor the company's social performance and make data-driven decisions to improve visibility.
What do you think about idea?
Cloudname is a very promising project because it comes from the encounter of both 2.0 and 3.0 investors' needs. Crypto meets the world of domains, to offer experts and newbies alike a wide choice of investment tools.
Patrick Gastaldon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm head of design. This means that everything that is visual has gone through me one way or another.
What do you think about idea?
The domain world has been the same for years. We're gonna change that, in the best of ways, opening it up for everyone, and giving experts even more possibilities.
Matthias Kiefer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am working for Cloudname as a Junior Marketing Associate. It's great to help moving this project forward!
What do you think about idea?
In a time where the crypto- and domain trading sector develops rapidly, I'm convinced that Cloudnames solutions are game-changing!

Cloudname 最後のニュース

5.0 0
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