At Chainium we have a simple mission: to disrupt the global equity market.
We stand for any business that wants to raise capital to grow. We stand for any investor who wants to buy shares in businesses they believe in. That’s why we built Chainium. To connect businesses directly to investors, using blockchain. To make buying and selling shares easy.
Our platform is already available as a prototype on our website. It provides solutions to the problem of raising capital for large enterprises and smaller businesses alike. We offer business owners access to the sophisticated tools and techniques of the listed markets for a fraction of the price. For investors we provide direct access to a huge range of equity offers previously only open to institutional investors, for zero fees.
Raising capital through equity in the traditional way is a complicated and costly process. Running an IPO takes months of planning, multiple engagements with advisors, negotiations with banks and law firms to gain regulatory approval, and pitches to attract institutional investors. The process takes a minimum of twelve months, attracts hefty fees, and the end result is uncertain.
Our back-to-basics approach to raising capital reduces bureaucracy, whilst our use of blockchain technology removes duplication and eliminates errors. We allow investors and businesses to exchange digital share certificates for fiat or crypto-currency in a transparent, tamper proof and immutable distributed ledger. No intermediary or other reconciliation steps are involved in transactions, cutting through hundreds of legacy systems and solutions from the old world.
Whilst some providers aim to avoid regulation, we believe it is important to offer a fully regulated platform, and therefore we are committed to working with regulators. We have already started the process of acquiring a European Small Banking license.
Underpinning Chainium is the utility token CHX, which is used as the fuel to transact on our platform.
We are holding a token sale in order to create a community of token owners and raise the necessary funds to develop the production platform in 2018.
Chainium was founded by a core team who have worked together in the share registry and financial services industry for more than fifteen years. We have implemented equities technology solutions for companies such as Walmart, CommBank, Allianz, HSBC, BP, Vodafone and Sainsbury’s, to name just a few.
H1 2017
H2 2017
H1 2018
H2 2018
CHAINIUM is a platform for equity market reinvestment where the users are able to buy and sell shares easily
The use of block chain decentralized ledger technology to build up a direct link between business and investors promotes easy growth of different businesses and equity market solutions. This factors motivates me to be one of the investors on the project.
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