CCUniverse UVU

CCUniverse UVU

Created using Figma



1,5 month
100% 完成した
$3 500
1% ゴール 完成した
ゴール 250 000.00 USD
キャップ 1 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 UVU
    0.01 USD
10 000 000 000
Waves Platform
actual balance:
MVP /プロトタイプ

約 CCUniverse UVU

Firstable You must know what it is CCUniverse. We are a young project which is considering to make real things in crypto marekt and at the world. The base of our activity is to make something real for the community and for cryptoworld using a blockchain technology.

Our idea is building a whole network of our infrastructure like: crypto ATMs , rental electric cars with charge stations, and innovations at real estates market. CCUniverse got sure that our efforts will bring to people awesome things and it help them to get the adventages from blockchain and cryptocurrency.

We are focused on discovering and at the same time taking care of the welfare of the earth and the environment. CCUniverse will be focus at any innovation which is made to use renewable energy sources, because it is the future as like a blockchain technology.

Decentralized wealth is for us the tool to make such a big things in the world. It will be the power of whole UVU coin - we got very strong background.

Our investors could see in any moment our progress at the streets and take satisfy because their investitions. We choose for the begin an Europe to build their our infrastructure because there are still big gaps in it. It is our chance to be visible very quickly.

We are blockchain project which combined to 3 groups of activity in infrastructure.
1) We are standing ATM's at local areas
2) Electric Cars Rental program
3) Innovative Real Estates program

All this programs will be connected with our cryptocurrency ekonomy ! UVU Coin
This whole idea its real value at cryptocurrency & blockchain market.
This is why we are unique - not like other virtual projects -which create only immeasurable things. We want to produce/build real things for people.
To help them to get access for cryptocurrencies by ATMs at local areas. To test electric cars or rent it for buisness trip or other activities which will be not allowed in such an area like our locations in Europe.
And then we want build our real estates which will be provide by innovative technology and projects like : geodhesic domes (fullers dome) or prefabric house/ shipping container houses.

Our target for ICO is about 50 BTC . 250 000 USD. Its not so many as other programs so we really believe to get it fast and start to our priority actions.

We want to invite You to participate at our ICO and buy our tokens. Please watch us at our social channels and mainly website.


  • Q1 2019

  • Vision: preparing details, developing of factors,building team, performance resources.
  • Q2 2019

  • Get minimum 50% of the year target funds (50 BTC),
    Setting up 5 machines till end of Q2 in 5 different locations.
    Be prepared for initial 2nd phase of the project: rental car electric :3 cars by end of Q2 / Q3 2019.
    Exchange listing of token,
    Coinmarketcap listing,
    Increase of initial price of token.
  • Q3 2019

  • Setting up additional 5x ATMs farms,
    Starting with renting electric cars (3 cars fleet),
    Preparing details and infrastructure for 3rd phase-real estates. Completing plans and documentations,
    Summit of CCUniverse first year activity.
  • Q1 2020

  • Scalling up all 2 phases according own funds from tokens and ROI of ATMs and mostly car rental.
    ​Last prepare for 3rd phase and type locations and buying lands for houses to start earliest Q2 2020.
    ​Running official APP for easiest finding and navigating our projects and resources.

CCUniverse UVU チーム

検証済み 50%


Przemysław Kamiński
Tomasz Konicki
Former Marketing Planner,
Tomasz Szymczyszyn
Development Manager
Anton Del Mel
Strategic Consultant


検証済み 100%

42 ICOs

$90 835 501

Lalit Bansal

CCUniverse UVU インタビュー

Przemysław Kamiński
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the CEO of the project. I'm responsible for all the activities inside the project. I'm a manager and visioner of the CCUniverse.
What do you think about idea?
I'm thinking that it is a unique idea if We can watch all new ICOs and cryptocurrencies, CCUniverse is really original.
Crypto ATMs its the future for Europe to change the market again. Also, electric cars will be popular in each day more. It is a huge opportunity to make a profit not only for cryptocurrency but also for the business.
Tomasz Konicki
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Deals with the advertising strategy, I help in the organization of various initiatives in the project
What do you think about idea?
It's a great and innovative idea to use blockchain in a solid project basis, 3 branches of business will be a huge fuel for the coin
Lalit Bansal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the advisor in the project and i like the concept of the project
What do you think about idea?
In my personal opinion, CCUniverse will get bigger attention of the whole community in the future because of the strength of their ideas. Blockchain infrastructure, such as crypto ATMs, should have more space in people life than today. It will be the power of this project and will give them success. I also like the idea of renting electric cars that are not as popular in Europe as they should and how they will definitely become, which is a huge opportunity for CCUniverse and their future investors and buyers to achieve great profits. In addition to the general idea, I like the dynamically developed project and attention to detail into the development plan. I recommend this project for investment because of a unique idea.

CCUniverse UVU 最後のニュース

Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
ICO Price~$0.0100
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