Cats & Dogs

Cats & Dogs

Created using Figma
Play, Move & Earn!
Cats & Dogs combines play to earn (take care of and love your pet)
with the concept of Move to Earn (go for a walk with your dog or cat!)
To be announced

約 Cats & Dogs

Cats & Dogs is a versatile title that appeals to both the veteran Blockchain Gamer as well as the ever-increasing number of players that are, everyday, joining the Blockchain.

A truly enjoyable and wholeful experience, players bond and grow to love their Pets as they become invested in them. Attention and care will make the Pets happy & their love for the player will be translated into Daily Income! The gameplay is attractive and compelling — their decisions impact the course of their playthrough, granting ever-growing rewards as they commit to their fluffy friends. These economic returns can then be invested in the various economic systems that coexist inside the platform.

Due to its nature, the game ensures a familiar, fun and addictive experience, which any animal-lover can adore. Its financial design proposes an ecosystem where players can administrate, manage and work with their assets in order to grow, multiplicate and acquire extra-means of income and value. Like Pets, Cats & Dogs is meant for the long-run.

Cats & Dogs is developed by Cats & Dogs Corp. Our team of experienced professionals is devoted to high quality-standards in our products. Together, we seek to revolutionize the way people play games in the Blockchain and live their life at large, creating decentralized applications with a great impact on the ecosystem. We are united under the approach of building new ways for people to experience and execute their aspirations within the technological and financial realm.

Over the next decade, the world will go through an unprecedented change thanks to the immutable force of decentralization as an Engine of Growth.

We are making the future — today.

In an ever-changing world, the aspirations and methods of users around the globe are evolving, and fast. E-Sports, Streaming —and now Blockchain gaming— gave rise to a new way of thinking games. People are now not only playing as an entertainment; they are also envisionating it as a means of earning a living. As a form of accessing status and fame. Of forming bonds and meeting new folk.

We are hastily reshaping the way people experience gaming and how they live at large, opening avenues to meaningful social and economical transmutation. In this new world, our mission is to envision and forge this reality. Our goal is to produce the best games of the new generation.


  • Q2 2022

  • • Landing Website
    • Pitch Deck
    • Whitepaper
    • Launch on the official channels
    • Teaser video
  • Q3 2022

  • • Seed & Strategic sale of PET token.
    • Launchpad announcements.
    • TGE launch of the game.
  • Q4 2022

  • • Pet Ranking.
    • App for Go & Walk!
    • New races unlocked!
  • Q1 2023

  • • Land System.
    • Cosmetics for Pets.
    • Missions & Challenges

Cats & Dogs チーム

検証済み 0%


Pablo Moauro
Federico Prat
Account&Finance Operator


検証済み 0%


Robby Jeo
Business Advisor
Giga B.
Fundraising Advisor

Cats & Dogs 最後のニュース

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