Buffer Finance

Buffer Finance

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Buffer is the first on-chain non-custodial peer-to-pool options trading protocol built over Binance Smart Chain.
  • 市場
  • BKEX
    IBFR/USDT 1年前
    $ 0.1295
    $ 79.565 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    IBFR/WBNB ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.1358
    $ 509.585 K
To be announced

約 Buffer Finance

Buffer is a non-custodial on-chain peer-to-pool options trading protocol that works just like an Automated Market Maker (eg: PancakeSwap) where traders can create, buy and settle options against a liquidity pool without the need of a counterparty (option writer).

Our mission is to makes options trading accessible to everyone in a simplified and more efficient way.

You can participate in the protocol ecosystem by following ways:

  1. Buy $iBFR token and hold to earn perpetual revenue share, stake to earn liquidity mining rewards, and vote for features or burn to participate in our milestone-based buybacks
  2. Become a liquidity provider and earn yield over your BNB, WETH, and WBTC holdings on Binance Smart Chain. (More BEP-20’s coming soon)
  3. Buy customizable options by customizing strike prize, option size, and expiry date
  4. Participating in prediction games by predicting BNB's price movement to buy options
  5. Buy insurance on your BNB holding to protect yourself from sudden price fluctuation.

What are the benefits of using buffer?

  • Non-custodial: All the liquidity is auto managed by an immutable smart contract
  • Bidirectional liquidity pools: One pool to write both put and call options no separate USDT and BEP-20 pools required
  • Trustless: On-chain trustless settlement for each contract (Fully decentralized)
  • American style options: Can be exercised anytime before expiry
  • Customizable: Option buyer can choose any strike price
  • Zero liquidity risk: Locked liquidity for each option removes counterparty and liquidity risks for option buyers
  • No-censorship: No-KYC or registration required
  • Yield-farming: Earn yield over any BEP-20 token (Starting with WBNB, WETH, and WBTC)
  • Diversification for liquidity provider: Diversify risk by a single liquidity pool for both call and put options

Management Team

Buffer’s team has varied experience, ranging from solidity development, marketing, options trading, UI/UX design to building highly scalable backend systems. Feynman (Co-founder) looks after business development, marketing, and product growth, and Heisenberg (tech Co-founder) looks after product development and manages the tech team.


  • Phase-1

  • Call boosters on multiple assets
    Buffer Prime NFT launch
    $iBFR centric liquidity for prediction & option market
    The secondary market for prediction and options NFTs
  • Phase-2

  • V2 launch
    Buffer Treasury setup
    Buffer Pro for DAO treasury management
    Option vouchers launch
  • Phase-3

  • Expansion of Buffer Pro services
    Ve-tokenomics introduction
    Buffer DAO setup for treasury management
    Increased decentralization
  • Phase-4

  • Development of protocol owned liquidity
    Protocol owned liquidity pools for writing options
    CEX listing
    Further decentralization

Buffer Finance 最後のニュース

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