BTSE has developed multiple trading technologies that have been adopted across the industry, setting new standards for excellence and innovation in the world of digital asset trading. Additionally, BTSE licenses its industry-leading technology to exchanges worldwide through its white label exchange solutions, strengthening the BTSE ecosystem and bridging traditional finance with digital assets everywhere.
We’re the world’s favorite crypto exchange, offering simple, secure and efficient cryptocurrency trading. With products and services crafted for the convenience of both end-users and institutions, we pride ourselves on being the go-to platform for all things crypto.
Our Vision consists of a future where immutable digital currencies play a key role in financial services worldwide.
Our Mission lies with fueling the widespread use of versatile crypto-based financial services that are trusted by institutions, while being intuitive enough for everyone.
Linear Futures
BTSE’s linear futures avoids using unnecessarily complicated calculations to enable better control over your contracts and assets. Every price movement of a contract translates directly into profit-and-loss proportionally making hedging straightforward for traders and eliminates the exchange risk exposure posed by non-linear futures.
Multi-asset Trading
Post margin and settle in either fiat or cryptocurrency, ensuring high liquidity, stability and convertibility via our multiple settlement channels.
Multi-asset Collateral Posting
Fully maximize your assets with BTSE’s multi-asset collateralization. Traders can post margin with any combination of assets, i.e. both fiat and crypto-assets simultaneously across all markets.
Supported currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CNY, HKD, SGD, CAD
Supported coins: USDT, BTC, ETH, LTC, USDC, TUSD
Superior Margin Control
Traders can benefit from volatile markets without being susceptible to the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Our multi-asset wallet supports the addition and removal of multiple collateralized assets on the fly, providing users with greater flexibility and ease of asset management.
High Leverage Support
Add more firepower to your capital with up to 100x leverage across most markets.
検証済み 0%
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