BTC Domain

BTC Domain

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BTCDOMAIN is a project similar to ENS on the BTC network. This platform provides intermediary services to help users engrave domain names on the BTC mainnet and visualize the inscribing process of the BTC domains, making it easier for users to get started.
To be announced

約 BTC Domain

BTC Domain is a platform that strives to offer a seamless and user-friendly name service to the Bitcoin community. It is designed to provide an experience similar to Ethereum Name Service (ENS) by offering a wide range of name-related services, including name registration, name resolution, and other related services.

BTC Domain's primary goal is to provide a simple and efficient way for users to associate human-readable names with their Bitcoin addresses. With this service, users no longer have to remember long and complicated Bitcoin addresses to receive payments or send transactions. Instead, they can register a name, such as "joey.btc," and associate it with their Bitcoin address. When someone wants to send them funds, they can simply enter "joey.btc" instead of the long Bitcoin address, making transactions more convenient and accessible.

By using BTC Domain's name service, users can easily manage and update their Bitcoin addresses without having to change their associated name. This makes it a convenient solution for businesses, charities, and individuals who want to create a permanent and recognizable identity for their Bitcoin transactions.

In summary, BTC Domain is dedicated to providing an efficient, reliable, and easy-to-use name service for the Bitcoin community. By simplifying the process of mapping human-readable names to machine-readable Bitcoin addresses, BTC Domain aims to make Bitcoin transactions more accessible and convenient for everyone.

To achieve any goal, it is important to have a clear plan of action in place. In order to achieve the aim that has been set, several guidelines have been established. These guidelines are designed to provide a clear framework for what needs to be done in order to reach the desired outcome.


  • Milestone 1: User-friendly Domain Registration and Resolution System utilizing Ordinals Tech

  • Users can utilize to register and monitor the status of their domain.
    - User-Friendly Regeistar
    - Resolve Details by Searching the Domain
    - Show All Inscriptions by Searching the Domain/Address
    - Better UI
  • Milestone 2: BTC-based Resolver

  • Developers and tech enthusiasts can create their own resolver services independently, achieving full decentralization without any interaction with BTC Domain. It is important to note that, for this version of the resolver, we cannot prevent malicious behavior. Trust is established by the resolver services provider. For more information, please refer to our github.
    - Read Data Only from Bitcoin-core & Ord
    - Support the Domain Resolve API
    - Fully Open Source
    - Support more APIs
  • Milestone3: BTC-based ZK Resolver

  • By leveraging Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology, we can extend trust to every user, significantly reducing the potential for malicious behavior. To learn more, please refer to our technology highlights section.
    - Basic Cairo Lib
    - ZK Bitcoin Fullnode
    - ZK Index Process
    - ZK API Response
    - Proofs with Recursive STARKs
  • Milestone4: Mulit-Sig Regesitar

  • Achieving a balance between decentralization and uniqueness in the domain registration process is crucial to ensure security and trust within the ecosystem. One way to address this challenge is by leveraging multi-signature technology, which can provide greater decentralization while maintaining the integrity of the registration process. To learn more, please refer to our technology highlights section.
    - Mulit-Sig Regeistar Process
    - Determine Key Holder Standard
    - Confirm First Key Holder Council
  • 続きを読む
  • Milestone5: ZK Mulit-Sig Regesitar

  • Utilizing Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology, we can ensure that during the registration process, each key holder verifies the availability of the domain name, and all data remains trustworthy.
    - Rewrite Mulit-Sig Regesitar with Cairo
    - Publish ZK Program
    - Publish Verification Method
    - Update Regesitar Process

BTC Domain 最後のニュース

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  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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このオファーは、オファーと他の一般に公開されている情報によってのみ提供される情報に基づいています。トークンの販売または交換のイベントは、ICOholderとは全く無関係であり、ICOholderはそれに関与していません(技術サポートやプロモーションを含む)。 ICOholderとの関係がない人物からのトークンの売り上げは、顧客が全体のトークンセクター内で行われている活動を追跡するのを助けるためにのみ表示されます。この情報は、あなたが頼りにするべきアドバイスにはなりません。弊社サイトのコンテンツに基づいて、行動を取る、または控える前に、プロフェッショナルまたはスペシャリストの助言を得るか、またはお客様のデューデリジェンスを実施する必要があります。トークンの取得に関してコントリビュータによって入力された条件は、トークンの発行者とトークンの発行者であり、ICOholderはそのようなトークンの販売者ではありません。 ICOholderは、トークンの販売に関して第三者が行ったいかなる表明についても法的責任を負いません。また、契約違反の申し立ては、ここに記載されたトークン発行会社に対して直接行われなければなりません。     

このトークン販売の性質、妥当性または合法性について懸念がある場合は、 までご連絡ください。あなたの懸念事項に関する詳細情報と一緒に。