Q4 2017
Q3 2018
Q4 2018
Q2 2019
Q4 2019
検証済み 73%
検証済み 17%
BOUNTIE is a blockchain based platform for gamers allowing them to make a living while playing their favorite games.
The platform use enables gamers to easily earn a living by playing their favorite games within the platform however it’s only limited to the residence in Asia hindering its use in other countries. This prevents me from investing in the project.
"Positives Reputation System: Certain games like League of Legends are known for having players that are toxic and negative throughout the game. However, Bountie stops this problem by creating a platform where the user’s reputation is tied to how much they earn. Because of this reputation system, it will create an environment where all of the players are incentivized by creating a positive gaming experience. Content Creator Incentives: Gamers that create videos within Bountie’s platform can receive tokens as well. They can receive Bountie merchandise and tokens for their effort. Profile Datapool: Gamers that play on Bountie’s platform have their own personalized account information where professional teams and gamers can view. Negatives High Competition: The market for decentralized tournament gaming is already high. Unless Bountie has an innovative product, it might have a hard time receiving market share when placed against other gaming ICO. User Protection: We would like more information on how this ICO will prevent user profiles from being hacked by third parties."
The BOUNTIE initial coin offering is well designed, and with the tokens available being low in price is it bound to attract a lot of attention of investors that are drawn towards the concept that is backing it, and that may be something you are also interested in doing too.
However, the concept is only going to work and be profitable and in turn will help increase the value of the tokens you will be purchasing, if it is rolled out on time and the team working behind the scenes have the necessary experience.
The best way that you can decide for yourself if any initial coin offering including the BOUNTIE ICO is going to be worth investing in is by looking over their website and digesting all of the information you will find listed on their white paper, so make sure that is something you do.
Gaming industry is a huge and highly perspective market. Though it’s full of competitors, Bountie has decided to find its place there with their decentralized gaming platform where gamers could not only play games, but be paid for wins while playing with other gamers. This sounds good, but as other gaming platforms, Bountie has to attract gamers to the platform, otherwise they don’t have a chance to get success. Good news – the guys have several partnerships, including MSI and Twitch, a Streaming and Esports Arena partner with 15+ million users every day. Plus pay attention to growing hype and low hardcap.
Yet another project stepping into a huge gaming market with a simple but not new idea, a strong team and serious partners. What is left is to attract gamers.
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