Borroe Finance

Borroe Finance

Created using Figma
The marketplace that helps Web3 businesses and content creators access upfront cash by selling future earnings from subscriptions, invoices, royalties, and more at a discount price through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
To be announced

約 Borroe Finance

The traditional invoice financing market (incl factoring and discounting) is estimated to be worth $3 trillion globally, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3% from 2021 to 2028.

The size of the Web3 market, which includes blockchain-based technologies and cryptocurrencies, is difficult to estimate precisely, as the ecosystem is still evolving rapidly.

However, according to a report by the World Economic Forum, the overall market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies is over $2 trillion and expected to continue growing at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2020 to 2026.

By providing a crowdfunding marketplace to access upfront cash from future recurring revenues like subscriptions, royalties, or management fees, we aim to revolutionise the way Web3 businesses access funding, creating a more equitable and efficient financial ecosystem for the Web3 community.

By leveraging the benefits of cryptocurrency and applying them to revenue stream loans, we can create a new opportunity that offers businesses faster and cheaper access to capital, while also providing investors with higher returns than they would get from traditional investments.

Furthermore, by using blockchain technology, smart contracts, and AI-powered risk assessment, we can automate the entire process, making it more efficient and reducing the need for human intervention.

The unique value proposition, coupled with the innovative technology stack and strong management team, leaves Borroe well positioned to disrupt this traditional industry and capture a significant share of the global market.

To build the funding engine that drives a major portion of the Web3 ecosystem.

The goal of Borroe Finance is to establish a credit line that will enable any Borroe member to use their future income and recurring revenue to obtain cash flow in a quick and decentralized way.

The ones who love the content or service are the ones fuelling the business behind it.


$ROE is the governance token and the gateway to all the features on the BorroeFinance marketplace, giving holders benefits including:

Priority notification of new sales and repeat funding applications.

Discounted Fees
Discounts on marketplace and any associated transaction fees.

Premium Features
Access to Premium Features like advanced analytics and priority customer support.

Rewards & incentives
Includes invoice buying, selling and repayment rewards as well as social media share2earn.

Recognition and awards
Acknowledgement of buyer marketplace participation incl Funder of The Year Award.

Governance Membership
Entitles members to vote on certain topics and earn rewards for doing so.


  • Release

  • Website, Whitepaper, Roenomics and Presale
  • Development

  • Full security audit, smart contract and marketplace testing
  • Community

  • Community rewards and loyalty programs, global brand awareness drive
  • Launch

  • Token and marketplace launch, with listing on 3-5 top 10 exchanges
  • 続きを読む
  • Growth

  • New partnerships and expansion into complimentary markets

Borroe Finance チーム

検証済み 0%


Michael Price


$240 000

Maxim Prishchepo
Blockchain Lead
Antea Cule
Brand Consultant

Borroe Finance 最後のニュース

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