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BitcoinLegend(BCL) is cryptocurrency assets based on ERC-20. BCL was migrated from ERC20 to BEP20 to reduce gas fees. We will make NFT market platform(NFT cards, artworks). Also, We will launch a metaverse game with a Hero NFT card inspired by Marvel's Avengers.
To be announced

約 BitcoinLegend

Today’s world is in the fourth industrial revolution, and there is no doubt that blockchain technology will play an important role in it. Created to realize people’s ideals, BITCOIN LEGEND (BCL) aims to become a platform that builds a decentralized application ecosystem using blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and metaverse systems in the field of the fourth industrial revolution.

As a cryptocurrency based on ERC-20, BITCOIN LEGEND (BCL) features an upcoming NFT market platform and a future metaverse game with hero NFT card inspired by Marvel’s Avengers.

There is a 3 Earn strategy in BITCOIN LEGEND that provide users 3 ways to earn more tokens.

The first one is Mine to Earn, which addresses the problems of Bitcoin mining by making the mining process on smartphone When the mined BCL is listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges, it serves as a digital asset as well as an investment.

The second one is Make to Earn, users can make their own NFT avatars, NFT items, then buy and sell them to make a profit. BITCOIN LEGEND uses AI technology to create webtoon characters similar to the real users themselves. Users can also produce clothing, ornaments and other game items. Hero History is made by Webtoon and Song (Webtoon+Rapper' Rap+NFT animation). It got 300,000 views in 10 days after it was uploaded on YouTube.

The third one is Play to Earn, BITCOIN LEGEND network will implement economic activities on the metaverse using previously created NFT avatar cards, as well as virtual real estate, users can play the game or invest in virtual real estate on the metaverse and make a profit from these activities.


  • Q2. 2021

  • Project development team(BCL core team) builded
    Mobile app and BitcoinLegend Concept developed
    (Coin Advantage, Mining Method, Token Economy, Mining App & Wallet Design)
    Whiter paper V1.0 made
  • Q3.-Q4. 2021.

  • Android/iOS mobile app released
    Official community(Telegram, Twitter, Youtube) opend
    44 countries' expanded language pack added
    Update Token Economy(including Burining)
    Hero NFT card design completed
  • Q1.-Q2. 2022

  • Official website launched
    Renewal of White paper V2.0(expending 3 Earn strategy)
    User's mining monitor and ping fuction developed
    Hero NFT Card Webtoon and Rap Youtube opened
    Official Discord opened
    Lockup & Staking funding system launched
    Expansion development of KYC authentication Started after Sulvey
    BCL listed on the L Bank and PancakeSwap
  • Q3.-Q4. 2022

  • Network migration from ERC20 to BEP20(Binance Smart Chain)
    Whitelist and minting of Hero NFT card started
    KYC certification started
    Hero NFT card websited opened
    1st NFT RPG game realeased(Dark worrior)
    BCL listed on the Coingecko and CoinMarketGap
  • 続きを読む
  • Q1.-Q2 2023

  • BCL settlement and withdrawal started
    Login sytem of NFT RPG games added(Super Fighter&Dark worrior)
    Game reward website released
    Web 3.0 fuction of the BCL app updated (including web browser, chatting and NFT games connection)
    NFT rental service started(including rarity advatage)
    3rd Roguelike game realeased
  • Q3.-Q4. 2023

  • Auction fuction of Hero NFT minting website added
    NFT card of BCL app displayed
    4th NFT Hero card game released(with multiplayer)
    5th MMORG game released
  • 2024

  • Development of MaxForm world (Metaverse) started
    Develop Hero NFT card using self made studio(using AI function)
    Avatar economic activity platform created by yourself
    6th TCG of Hero card game released
  • 2025

  • MaxForm world(Metaverse) opened
    More partnerships of MaxForm world signed
    More of BCL Ecosystem spreaded
    BCL mainnet developed

BitcoinLegend 最後のニュース

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  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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