Welcome to the meta universe of Axes which is centered around Axes Hunters - playable NFT characters. Together with you, we will write down the story of conflicts, betrayals and peace of 7 races inhabiting this world.
Axes Metaverse is a blockchain-based universe growing from the successful Axes.io mobile game developed by Azur Games, the Top-5 mobile game publisher worldwide.
Our metaverse is designed to empower players' ownership through tokenization of characters, in-game assets and lands, managing the market of in-game resources and values and providing passive and active ways to earn to each inhabitant.
Azur Games is an international mobile game developer and publisher known all over the world. The company was founded in 2017, and since then it has grown rapidly.Nowadays our team comprises more than 400 professionals. Azur Games has its headquarters in Larnaka and agencies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk and Dubai.
In 5 years Azur Games has already achieved ambitious goals, for example we proudly take our place in the top-5 world mobile game publishers. By 2021 we managed to surpass the astonishing 2 billion installs mark and 30 million daily active users. Currently, our portfolio can boast more than 100 successfully launched games including Stack ball, Worms zone, Bottle jump with many more to come.
Q4 2021
Q1 2022
Q2 2022
Q3 2022
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
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