The efficacy of AI has already been proven. We now have AI being used in a range of supportive technologies from security to medical research, natural disaster prediction and agriculture. Deep learning models are utilized to predict consumer behavior, traffic flow in urban centers, and Google’s AI AlphaGo bested World Go champion Lee Sedol in four out of five matches last year, a feat that until very recently was considered impossible.
AUTONIO is the first decentralized AI-powered trading robots that deploys years of knowledge gained from Wall Street’s automated high frequency trading (HFT) industry making use of market indicators to analyze cryptocurrency trends in order to generate buy/sell signals and execute trades. Mimicking strategies honed by some of the biggest players on Wall Street, AUTONIO believes cryptocurrencies are a new class of assets ripe for conquering with intelligent machine learning algorithms and neural networks.
Trading bots or algorithmic trading is a technique that uses pre-programmed software that
analyzes market actions, such as time, price, orders, and volume.
Within the cryptocurrencytrading arena, AI trading is still in its infancy. It either requires expensive membership and/or additional coding experience.
Autonio stands-out tall amongst its competitors in several ways:
Autonio plans to bring AI-powered cryptocurrency trading to a mass audience. The platform involves an easy-to-use GUI, a competitive leaderboard, and easy access to a variety of trading strategies. Thanks to Autonio, users can customize trading strategies, back-test strategies in previous marketplace conditions, and create a system that provides the maximum profitability.
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